Chapter 18

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After they were all done, they were sent out to let the instructors compute their scores.

Sasuke paced back and forth anxiously out of the door of the exam room. The other kids were in the playground, chatting.

Naruto and Sakura sat on a bench outside the exam room.

"Will you calm down, teme?!", Naruto complained, not being able to stand Sasuke's movements.

"How can I calm down, dobe?! The test was so hard I mentally threw a tantrum!", Sasuke reasoned.

Naruto shook his head. Sakura tried to calm Naruto down. 20 minutes later, Mizuki went out of the classroom with a paper and went to the bulletin board to post it. While he called the students, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura took a look at the scores.



1.) Uzumaki Naruto- A+ (100%)
2.) Uchiha Sasuke- A+ (95%)
3.) Haruno Sakura- A (93%)
4.) Nara Shikamaru - A (92%)
5.) Hyuuga Neji- A (90%)
6.) Aburame Shino- A- (87%)
7.) Rock Lee- A- (85%)
8.) Hyuuga Hinata- B+ (84%)
9.) Yamanaka Ino- B+ (82%)
10.) Akimichi Choji- B (80%)
40.) Inuzuka Kiba- D (65%)

Naruto smiled at his score. He looked at Sasuke.

"I win again, teme.", Naruto teased.

"Tch. Whatever. At least I'm still in the Top 3 chart.", Sasuke said.

"Congrats, Naruto!! You got perfect again!!", Sakura cheered.

The other students came and looked at their scores. Kiba was the first to complain.

"Nani?! I'm #40 and I only got a D?!", Kiba shouted.

"A-At least y-you passed t-the exam, K-Kiba-kun.", Hinata said softly.

"She's right, my youthful friend!", Lee encouraged.

"The passing grade is D, Kiba.", Naruto reassured him.

"And besides, who's fault is it that you didn't study?", Sasuke teased.

"Hey!", Kiba complained.

Naruto chuckled and shook his head. Just then, Iruka went out and called them in again. They did and went back to their seats.

"As you all know, after the test, we will have an assembly to determine who gets to be a Genin and who will stay in the academy until the next Genin exams.", Iruka announced.

"So today, before you all leave, most of you will become Genins. The passing grade is D and if you get lower than that, you have no choice but to stay in the academy if you really want to become a shinobi.", Mizuki said seriously.

Kiba sighed in relief.

"Told ya.", Naruto whispered in his ear.

"Okay. Let's start. First to become a Genin, with highest honors, may I call to come in front of the class, Uzumaki Naruto!", Iruka cheered.

As Naruto was going towards the front, Iruka kept announcing his other achievements.

"Best in academics, best in Taijutsu, best in Ninjutsu, best in combat, perfect attendance, and thus, is given the following titles...", Iruka announced.

As Naruto went near him, he smiled towards Naruto. Naruto stood in front of the instructors with pride and confidence.

"Most outstanding Student, Top 1 in the whole class, and the Kitsune of Konoha, which is a title given by the Sandaime to Naruto for being Top 1.", Iruka said.

Mizuki held out Naruto's hitai-ate.

"Congratulations on graduating, Naruto.", Mizuki congratulated.

"Arigato, Mizuki-sensei, Iruka-sensei!", Naruto enthusiastically thanked.

Naruto went back to his seat between Sakura and Sasuke.

"Way to go, Naruto!", Sakura cheered.

"Congrats, dobe.", Sasuke murmured.

"Thanks, guys.", Naruto said while smiling his toothy smile.

Naruto began examining his hitai-ate and wore it on his forehead.

"Now may I call in front, second to become a Genin and with highest honors as well, Uchiha Sasuke.", Iruka called.

Sasuke calmly stood up and went to the front of the class with most of the girls swooning behind him. He stood in front of his instructors with a calm expression.

"Second best in academics, second best in Taijutsu, second best in Ninjutsu, second best in combat, best strategist, perfect attendance, and thus given the following titles...", Iruka announced.

"Top 2 in class, Outstanding student, and the Snake of Konoha for being sneaky in combat.", Iruka continued.

Mizuki handed Sasuke his hitai-ate.

"Congratulations, Sasuke.", Mizuki said.

"Arigato.", Sasuke said.

He wore his hitai-ate the same way Naruto wore his then went back to his seat.

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