Chapter 24

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The trio arrived on the roof to find their lazy sensei waiting for them, reading his book again.

He glanced at them and setting aside his book, motioned for them to sit. They did without hesitation.

"Okay. Let's start. You will introduce yourselves, and tell us your likes and dislikes, and your dream. That kind of stuff.", the man said.

"How 'bout you start, sensei? To give us the idea about how we do it.", Sakura suggested.

"Me? Oh, well.", the man said then cleared his throat.

The 3 gazed at him intently.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have a few likes and some dislikes. And I have no dream.", the man said.

'Well, that wasn't very helpful.', Naruto inwardly thought.

Kakashi pointed a finger to Naruto.

"You. Blondie. You go first.", Kakashi said.

Naruto sighed.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto. My likes are ramen and pulling pranks every once in a while. I dislike, no, hate jerks and waiting 3 minutes after the hot water is poured in the ramen. I have a lot of dreams but my greatest dream is to become Hokage!", Naruto said.

'This kid has big dreams. No doubt he's working hard to achieve 'em.', Kakashi thought.

He pointed to Sakura.

"Pinkie. You next.", he said.

Sakura was ticked off by the nickname but chose to set it aside.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. I have a few dislikes and I like a certain someone. And my dream is to be with that someone.", Sakura said, blushing when it came to the part where she told them she liked someone.

'She's weak when she will let her feelings take over, I suppose.', Kakashi thought.

'Sakura-chan has a crush?! I wonder who might that be.', Naruto thought.

He pointed to Sasuke.

"The emo next.", Kakashi said.

Sasuke kept his calm then spoke.

"I am Uchiha Sasuke. I suppose I can be referred to as an avenger. I have almost no likes and a lot of dislikes and I have a dream. Rather, a goal. And it is to kill a certain someone.", Sasuke said.

'Cold words from a boy. Well... what to expect from the last of your clan.', Kakashi thought.

Kakashi nodded.

"I hope we can get along together. Meet me in Training Ground #7 for your first training session early in the morning tomorrow. And no breakfast or I'll kill you all.", Kakashi said.

He stood up and said goodbye, leaving the 3 in a heap of confusion.

"No breakfast? How the hell are we supposed to train well without breakfast?!", Sakura complained.

"It's best to eat breakfast. He won't know anyway.", Naruto said.

"Hn. Whatever. I'm off. See you guys tomorrow.", Sasuke said.

They separated and went to their respective homes to prepare for tomorrow.

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