Chapter 28

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The 3 followed after Naruto to Ichiraku's.

The boy was really excited when he saw them approaching.

"Hey, guys! Sakura-chan, do you want to sit here next to me?", Naruto offered, patting the seat next to his.

Sakura blushed and looked away so Naruto wouldn't notice.

"Okay.", she managed to get out.

She sat beside Naruto and the other 2 went to sit beside each other and Sakura.

"Konichiwa, Teuchi-san.", Kakashi said.

"Konichiwa, Kakashi. What brings you here?", the ramen stand owner asked.

"Just taking my team here for lunch.", Kakashi said lazily.

"Alright. What would you like to order, Kakashi?"

"I think I'll have the jin ramen. How 'bout you 3?"

He turned his team.

"I'll have the miso ramen.", Sasuke said.

"I'll go for that, too.", Sakura said

"I'll have the usual, old man!", Naruto said.

"Coming right up!", Teuchi said then disappeared into the kitchen.

He appeared minutes later with their ramen and set it before them.

"Enjoy!", Teuchi said.

"Itadakimasu!", they said.

Naruto began to gulp down his ramen while the others took their time chewing and swallowing like normal people.

"This is your treat, right, sensei?", Naruto asked.

"Er... yes?", Kakashi said.

"Alright! Arigato, sensei!", Naruto cheered as he continued to chow down his ramen.

He was finished in a matter of seconds and was on his second bowl of ramen. Kakashi began to sweatdrop on how fast Naruto was eating. In 5 minutes, he was already on his 5th bowl of ramen.

"S-Slow down there, Naruto.", Kakashi said.

"Don't think I can bring myself to do it, sensei! Old man Teuchi's ramen is the best!", Naruto cheered.

Kakashi face palmed.

"Why, thank you, Naruto!", Teuchi said.

"No probs!", Naruto said, giving him a thumbs up and continued slurping his ramen.

"There's nothing you can do when it comes to Naruto and ramen, sensei. He's almost always eating ramen especially here.", Sasuke said, lazily eating his ramen.

"Figures. This is going to cost me a fortune.", Kakashi said, sweatdropping.

Naruto slurped his ramen and finished his 5th bowl when somehing came up in his mind.

"Hey, sensei. Why are you wearing a mask?", Naruto asked Kakashi.

"Why do you ask?", Kakashi asked.

"Just curious, that's all.", Naruto said.

"I just happen to like wearing it. To tell you the truth, I have worn this mask since I was a kid.", Kakashi said.

"Really?!", Sakura and Naruto exclaimed.

"No one has ever seen my face, except for my mom and dad, of course.", Kakashi calmly replied.

"Do you ever take it off?", Sasuke asked.

"No. I have grown fond of it and could not seem to take it from my face.", Kakashi said.

The 3 sweatdropped.

"How 'bout your left eye, sensei? Why do you cover it with you hitai-ate?", Sakura asked.

"You ask too many questions. You'll know when the time comes. For now, just finish your ramen.", Kakashi said.

They did. Naruto ate 9 bowls while the rest only had one serving. Kakashi paid for the food and thanked Teuchi.

"Come again!", Teuchi said as he waved at them from afar.

Kakashi turned to his team.

"Meet me in the bridge tomorrow for a meeting. Don't be late.", Kakashi said then disappeared.

The 3 said their goodbyes then went off to their homes.

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