Chapter 1

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Waking up, you get dressed in a Charizard shirt and skinny jeans. You also wear an orange beanie and pizza converse high tops. Your nose ring is green and your gauges are Pokemon balls. After you get ready, you jump into your car and drive to the nearest Starbucks. Ordering a Caramel Frappe, you sit down in a booth by a window. After about 5 minutes you look out the window to see a guy staring at you. Black hair swept to the side and a light blue hoodie. You jump. He starts laughing then smiles at you. 'What did you get?' He mouths. 'Caramel Frappe.' You mouth back. He nods then walks in to the shop. As you take a better look at him, he is skinny and adorable. His shoes are white converse with what looks like a drawing of a lion that he must have done on both shoes. After he orders he takes a seat right across from you. You switch the seat of th booth. Now you are pretty much sitting back to back. You smile. He was so cute, you couldn't stand it! Right as you start turning around, he turns around with you. "That was awkward." You say. "Don't worry. I Like Awkward!" He replies. You both laugh. "What's your name" You ask. "Wait...your from London?" He asks. "Yeah. I didn't you were too!?" You say and once again, you both start laughing. "I'm Phil Lester. And you are?" He replies. "I am Y/N Y/L/N. The famous cover singer on YouTube. One quick question. Are you The AmazingPhil?" You ask. He nods. Inside and out your freaking out. A huge goofy smile appears on your face and you cover your mouth. "OMG OMG OMG OMG!" You yell. After about an hour of talking, he asks you for your number. You nod and put your number into his phone. As he leaves he complements your shirt and Immediately starts texting you. Not paying attention, Phil runs into a wall. "HA-" You start laughing then quickly cover your mouth. He chuckles then leaves. The rest of the day you text Phil and Fangirl.

I Like Awkward Phil Lester x reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now