Chapter 40

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//•~ 6 M o n t h s l a t e r ~•//

"BROOOOOOOOOOO," Dan yells. "CHECK THIS OUT!!!" You come running downstairs to find Dan with a high score of 31,648 on Crossy Road. "Brooooooooo. How long have you been playing." You ask. Dan slowly looks over at you. "Too. Long. Bro." You laugh and he laughs too. Phil walks downstairs and sits next to you. He pulls you into him and keeps his arm around you.

"Wanna go on a trip?" He whispers in your ear. Your face brightens with a toothy smile and you turn your head to his. His smile was the brightest you have ever seen. "Okay." You whisper back and kiss his nose. "Bro." You say turning back towards Daniel. He is back at it with crossy road. The capybara gets hit by a train. "CRAP! What bro?" He calms down instantly.

"Let's go a road trip bro."

"Well, not road trip. Just...trip."

"Oh okay. Let's go on a trip bro."

Dan sighs. "What kinda trip?" He asks, shutting off his IPhone.

"A fun one."


You turn toward Philip. He shrugs. "Wherever." He says. "Will it be far? When do we leave? Is it across the country? We need detail-eos." Dan babbles. The three agree to think of three places and then pick the best idea. You pick California, Italy, and Edinburgh.

The three of you meet up on the couch after a half an hour and decide where to go. "I picked Manchester, LA, and Florida." Phil offers. "What about West Virginia, Hong Kong, or Tokyo....again." Dan counts his places on his fingers. You tell them your ideas and you all end up picking Edinburgh. It isn't too far but it is quite far...does that make sense?

"When do we leave?" Dan mumbles.

"Tonight?" You reckon.

"You have super hearing." Phil chuckles. You punch him in the arm. "Seriously though, tonight?" Dan and Phil look at each other and shrug. "Sure, why not?" Phil says. 5 days worth of clothes to pack. "Okay. Then I'm gonna go pack." You say and run downstairs to your apartment. Dan follows you. When you grab the doorknob, Dan grabs your wrist.

"Wait." He demands. You turn around and look at him. "What is it?" He doesn't seem happy but he doesn't seem upset either. "Can Alena come with us?" He asks. You chuckle. "Obviously. She is your wife!" You say opening the door and leaving. Dan smiles as you close the door behind you.

You pack a whole bunch of flannels, skinny jeans, and graphic tees. Once you finish, there is a knock on the door. You walk over to the front and open the door. Alena. She smiling quite wide. "Hey!!!!!!" She says hugging you. It's really awkward because she is so much taller than you so your face is basically in her stomach.

"Hi! Did Daniel you about the trip?"

"Yeah!! I already packed. I'm very excited!"

"Me too."

"Dan is planning on taking us out for dinner before we leave."


"Pizza, I'm pretty sure."

"Okay, good. I'm not emotionally prepared for anything fancy. I'm tired and way too excited!"

"Hahaha! Me too!"

"Wanna come in?"

"Yes, please."

Alena walks in and heads toward your fridge. You sigh. I should have known. You think. She digs into your fridge and pulls out some leftover pasta from a few nights before. You could see that she was struggling with the lid.

"It..uh, there are handles that are hooked onto it."

She searches the sides and finds them.

"Oh. Pfffffft I'm so stupid. Hahahaha!"

You chuckle. Your phone chimes and you see Phil's face.

Phileeeep: Hey, I'm coming over in like, 3 seconds

You: Mmmmmmkay m8ty

Phileeeep: 2 seconds

You: mmmmmmkay

Phileeeep: 1 secodn

You: Second***

Phil struts into the room, slamming the door open. "I'm here." He says and you laugh at Alena's reaction. She is frozen, eyes wide, and a hand on her heart. Did I also mention that her mouth was stuffed with pasta.

"Are you ready?" He asks, hugging you. "Yes." You reply with a cheeky smile. Phil lets go and walks toward your fridge. "YoU tOo?!" You shout. Phil giggles. He finds a 2 day old batch of pancakes and plops one in the microwave (my now favourite onomatopoeia).

"Are you guys ready?" Phil asks, finishing his pancake. Both of you nod. "I'm gonna go and get my bag." You run back to your room and grab your packed duffel bag. Dragging it across the floor, Alena starts mumbling to Phil.

"Is this it? Is this why you're taking on the trip?"

There is a quick silence then, "Yes." He must have nodded.

"I'm happy for you."


You finally make your way into the living room and Alena quickly gives Phil something and he shuts it in a box. He seemed like he was panicking. "What are you hiding?" You ask with a smirk. His face turns pink.


"That's funny."


"I've never seen your skin a different colour."

"What do you mean?"

"You're pink."

Phil covers his face with his hands and stands up. "I've gotta use the bathroom." He says. And with that, he sprints into the bathroom. You hear the faucet running and drop the thought of what he was hiding. "Can you help me?" You ask Alena. She nods as she finishes up her pasta and sets the container on the counter.

//•~ 20 M i n u t e s l a t e r ~•//

"You all set?" Dan asks Alena as she climbs into the back of the car. She smiles at him and nods. Alena looks at you in the front seat, checking your twitter. She then turns back to Daniel and whispers something in his ear. You don't notice because you are stalking Gerard Way on twitter.

Phil climbs into the front of the car as Dan pulls Alena close to him with an arm around her. Philip smiles at you. "You excited?" He asks. You look up at him with a smile. It's very dark outside. Checking the time, it's 9:08 P.M. "I'm tired and as enthusiastic as I can be." You smile. Phil leans in for a kiss and grins. "Let's get going then!" Phil yells, instantly waking you up. 10% more aware of your surroundings. With that, the four of you start heading to Edinburgh.

*Salutations everybody! I have some bad news and some good news for you guys....bad news first. Promise not to freaking out?...........I'm ending this fanfiction in the next 2 to 3 chapters. YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T FREAK OUT!!!!! OHMYGOD!!!!!!! GoOD nEwS!!!! I am planning on making a sequel to the book!!!!! EXCITINGGGGG!!!!! I hope you have a grand day/evening! See you lovelies very soon! BAH BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!*

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