Chapter 39

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"This is getting annoying." You say, dropping your fork in the roast beef your mother made you and Phil for supper. You chew up the remains of food from your last bite and swallow hard. "Stop lying mum!" I say frustrated. Phil gives me the Are You Serious™ look. "Lying about what hun?" Your mum says widening her eyes, staring at her plate, and shaking her head.

"You keep trying to hurt Phil and it is getting me frustrated. WhY DOn'T yOU liKe hIm?" You start to yell, slamming your fist on the table.

"(Y/N), we have been over this. I'm trying to hurt your boyfriend."


"ENOUGH!" Phil yells dropping his utensils. You relax and widen your eyes at Phil. Your mouth opens slightly. Phil looks angry. He's tense. Phil sighs and relaxs but keeps his upset face on. Your mum is surprised too. "I know what is going on." He says looking over at your mum then you.

"You are very religious Mrs. (Y/L/N), correct?"

"Yes Philip."

"STOP!" He yells then relaxs slightly, "Calling me Philip. The name is Phil."

"Okay. Sorry."

Phil looks over at you.

"Your mum thinks I'm gay, (Y/N). She thinks I'm in love with Dan." Your surprised face turns to a grin. You try to bite your lip but end up bursting into laughter. "OHMYGOD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" You laugh so hard that you fall out of your chair. Phil still looks completely serious and your mum looks upset and terrified at the same time. "OhmY! oHMYGo- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! JESUS MUM! REALLY?!" You continue to laugh extremely hard.

"Oh my- honey, I'm so sorry. I've been trying to tell you but-"

"MUm...whooooooooooooooooooooo....mum. Mum. Mum. Phil, is as straight as a pole."

"No he isn't."

"Yes. Yes he is mother."

"I am, really."

"Then explain this picture!" Your mum pulls up an edit of Dan and Phil kissing. "Give me a sec." Phil says, getting onto his phone and looking up the original video that the edit was made off of. He makes her watch the whole thing. "But I-" She says. You cut her off. "It's photoshopped mum. Phil really really reeeeaally likes me." Phil nods. "In fact, I love her. Sooooooooooo, yeah." You smile.

"Oh....I'm sorry." She apologizes.


"What?" Phil asks.



"I wasn't going to kill you. I was just going to hurt you. Very bad. Because, I swear to the lord, if you hurt my sweetheart-"

"I wouldn't hurt (Y/N)."

"Ya, you better not."

There's a silence.

"We have to leave soon" Phil says, finishing up dinner. Your mum nods. "I'll take you. No worries." She says. With that, you all finish supper in silence. Once you finish, you excuse yourself and begin to pack. Phil does the same. "We leave around 9:30 so we should start heading out." Phil says. You nod.

Your mum drives the two of you to the airport and drops you off. You hug your mum and leave, holding hands with Phil. Once the two of you get back to London, the first thing you do is come home to find *cue narrator voice* "A wild Danisnotonfire, sleeps quietly on the sofa. Apparently, he has fallen asleep to the olympics." You narrate.

Phil quietly giggles and goes to his room to unpack. You eat some cereal and fall asleep next to Dan. Phil comes back into the room with you on the other side of the sofa, sleeping. He turns on his narrations voice. "Apparently, so has (Y/N)" You smile.

~☼Das next day☼~

When you wake up, you are the only one on the sofa. Your eyes widen to see Dan playing Smite on the Xbox 360. You make a noise and Dan turns around to look at you. He looks back at the television and pauses the game. He then stands up from his bean bag chair and tackles you in a hug.



"I've missed you bro."

"I've missed you too bro."

"How was your mum's bro?"

"My mum tried to kill my bro, bro."

"Broooo, what?"

"Bro, you wouldn't believe me if I told you bro."

"I believe anything you say bro."


"Tell me bro."

"She put wires in the shower and poison in my bro's eggs, bro."

"Brooooooooooooo. That's messed up bro."

"I know bro."

"But why bro?"

"Because she thought that you and my bro are dating and she is super duper religious bro."

"Brooooooooooooooooo. Is she a westboro baptist church bro?"

"No bro."

"Oh bro."



Dan gets up and off of you. You stand up and get some coffee from the kitchen. Checking the time, it's 10:17 AM. Phil must be tired. You think. Coming back into the living room, you set your coffee on the end table and grab a controller. "Lemme play wit you bro." You say with your american accent. He pauses the game and slowly turns to look at you.

"Brooooooooooooooooooooo." He says. "What?" You reply. "THAT AMERICAN ACCENT IS TOO GOOD! HOW?!" He asks excitedly. "I lived in America for a while. Remember? My family lives in the USA?" You say with a chuckle. "Oh yeah! That slipped my mind for a sec. Let's restart." He says. You restart the game and lose lol.

*Shoutout to @5SecondsofDippyfreshfor guessing what was going to happen and was correct LOL! Have a stunning day/evening! BAH BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!*

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