Chapter Ocho

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Act after act after act. You have been saved to go onto the next round every time in Britain's Got Talent. Now came the finals. 5 acts. Only one will win. That sounded like The Hunger Games. Anyways, you stand on stage in a green dress with black heels. You could spot Dan and Phil in a second. "And now for the results. (Y/N) (Y/L/N). And Jackson Corman. Please stand forward." The host says. You obey and stand in front. "The one going home tonight is..." This was the moment of truth. Either you will go through or Jackson would. Anticipation filled the room. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Thats it. You were done. This is the night you would go home to London with Dan and Phil. Tears start trickling down your cheeks. "Now wait a second!" Dan yells into a mic. "She friend should have a chance!" Dan says. Phil nods and looks straight at you. Girls from the audience start screeching things like, that's Dan and Phil, or that's (Y/N) boyfriend! You start to laugh wiping away the tears. Dan and Phil start walking towards the stage. They climb on and give you a hug. Phil keeps his arm around you the whole time. "So, are these people the Internet sensation, Dan and Phil?" One of the judges say. You nod. "Wow. Offensive. I'm an Internet sensation to you know!" You say laughing. "She's also my girlfriend." Phil says into the microphone. You could hear girls gasp from miles and miles away. Then, the screaming of hate and love start filling the room. You bury you face into Phil's chest and cry. "Okay. Stop. All of you who just said for (Y/N) to go to hell, just stop. These aren't tears of joy she is crying. What if someone said you should go kill yourself? You wouldn't like it, would you?" Phil says angrily hugging you tight. "I want to go home." You whisper so only Dan can hear. He nods and you all start walking off stage. The room is silent. Even the judges and Jackson. When you get to the hotel room, you jump onto Phil's bed and start crying. Phil jumps on with you and holds you tight. "It took alot of balls to say that on national TV where babies were just born and watching." You say referencing on of the Phil is not in fire videos. He laughs a little. "At least I HAD the balls to do it." He said. As Dan walks in, he gives you guys an awkward look. "You know, I just heard everything you said right?" Dan says. You give Dan the finger and fall asleep watching American Horror Story with Phil. Terrible but still...yeah, no. Terrible.

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