Chapter 31 ^u^

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"Okay." You say shutting off the ps4. "WWWHAAAAA?!?!?" Dan yells and then smiles. "Lunch. Come on. Get your coat, we're going out." You say with a smile. Phil smiles with you. "Can I choose where?" He asks. "I don't care." You say not giving a butt cup (idek XD).

"Let's go to the Department of Coffee & Social Affairs."

"Okay. What do you think Dan?"

"Yeah okay. I guess we can. I am pretty hungry. BUT FINAL FANTASY Vエ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"DAN! I'M HUNGRY! COME OONNNNNNNNN!" You can bring your laptop if you want."

"Okay, you made me happy. Let's go."

"Let me get dressed first breh."


You walk into your room and get dressed into a Cake the Cat tee and tealish skinny jeans with your superman converse. You put your hair in a nice curly ponytail and walk out. Grabbing your jacket, you open the door and let everyone out. You lock the door and walk down the steps of DOOM!

~♧Le time skip♧~

As you sit down, a waitress with black hair and light blue tips walks over. "Hi! My name is Kyleen! What can I get for you guys?" She says kind of loudly with a wide smile. Kyleen seems optimistic. "Hi, can I get a club sandwich with uhhh....a latte." Phil replies. Kyleen writes down his order.

"Would you like latte art?"


"What do you want in your latte?"

"A lion."

"Alright! Who's next?" She asks looking at you.

"Oh! Uh, me, I guess..haha. Okay, I'm gonna get the croissant with cream cheese and jelly. Also a latte please."

"Latte art?"

"Sure! about aaaaa.....a dalek?"

"Okay, now you!" She says turning towards Dan.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna get the chicken and ham sandwich with pita bread please."

"And drink?"

"Latte with the art of a Evee please."

"Alright! I'll be right back!" Kyleen says with a smile and walks away. "She seems nice." You say folding your menu closed. Dan and Phil agree. "I liked her hair." Phil says. "It's almost as good as mine." You say waving your pastel coloured hair around. Dan chuckles. So does Phil. "I should have done some latte art that was cooler than a lion. Maybe they'll make it better than Japan." He says. "Maybe." Dan replies.

About 20 minutes later, your waitress walks back over with a black tray she is holding in one hand. "I'm back!" She says setting the tray on the table. Kyleen hands you your food and drink as well as Dan and Phil's. In fact, the latte lion DOES look MUCH better than the one is Japan.

 In fact, the latte lion DOES look MUCH better than the one is Japan

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After you all finish your food and chatting, Phil pays and leaves a 10 pound (dollar) tip

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After you all finish your food and chatting, Phil pays and leaves a 10 pound (dollar) tip.You thank the waitress and walk outside. Phil wraps an arm around you as Dan calls a cab. Phil kisses your temple and you smile. A cab pulls up and Dan gestures you to come over. You and Phil walk over together, his arm still outstretched around your shoulder.

~𝀽Another time skip𝀽~

"That was...SO GOOD!" Dan sighs quite loudly. You chuckle. "Yeah." You reply. Phil unlocks his apartment and asks if I want to come with him. You nod and look at Dan. He smiles and walks into his apartment. As he gets to the last stair, he looks back at you. Phil keeps his eyes locked on you. Dan winks. You roll your eyes and he sprints up the steps.

You look at Phil and he smiles. You smile back. Phil grabs your hand and sprints up the steps, basically dragging you. Your feet seem to stop working and you fall. On your face. Phil lets go and covers his mouth. "Ohmygosh." Phil says speechless. Surprisingly, even to you, you smile. "Ooooouch." You say like the anchovy from Spongebob Squarepants. The both of you laugh.

~🜲Last time skip I promise🜲~

After dinner, you sit down next to Dan. He has sat on his sofa crease. Switching on the TV, you flip thru channels. All of the sudden, you see Alena's school. The school that she goes to for college. You're confused. It looks different. "LOOK! IT'S ALENA!" Dan says pointing violently towards the screen, terrified. Oh, now you spot it. The school is demolished.

*Salutations everyone! I know what you're thinking, I know. I'M ALWAYS OUT TO HURT EITHER ALENA, DAN, OR THEIR RELATIONSHIP! Yeaaaaahhhhhh...........whoops! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. You probably don't now that I ruined it for you BUT! I hope you had a marvelous evening/day! Goodbye for now!*

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