Chapter 36

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Even though she loved her dress, Alena changed into something more comfortable. A black dress that connects around the neck. And she also wore Dan's leather jacket. Nobody else changed. Some of us took off our shoes though as you all went outside.

Outside was a DJ, a wooden dance floor which was a medium size, black and white chairs, a piano, lots of food, lots of hanging lanterns, and the moon. "What time is it?" You ask Phil as you start walking out the door. He pulls you close. "It's time for a kiss." He says, smirks, then pulls you into a long kiss.

"Flirty I see."

"Yes. Yes indeed. Let's go dance." He says and makes his way out to the dance floor, gripping your hand. Almost everyone is dancing to the song Ride by Twenty One Pilots. Phil's face is as bright as the sun as he dances in front of you. You felt yourself blush thinking about him. After dancing for a bit, the both of you make your way to the food.

MY GAWD! Is the food good!!!!! They even had soft pretzels. I mean, that is THE BEST FOOD EVER!

"This is the wedding I want."

"What, a wedding with awesome DJs?"

"No, a wedding with soft pretzels."

Then Phil starts to laugh. Very hard. You laugh too. After gasping for air, Phil smiles and stares at you for EXACTLY 30 seconds. "Me too." He says finally. The both of you smile and stare at each other for a few slow seconds until the DJ yells, "ALLLLLLLLLRIGHT, EVERYONE! Let's give our special bride and groom a bit room for the first dance!" Everyone backs off the piece of wood and stare at them.

....drip....drip....drop drip drop drop...drip...

"I think it's raining." You say to yourself. And it is. It starts to rain. Not hard but it starts to rain a lot. Dan and Alena don't seem to care though. Nobody else does either.

"PHIL! (Y/N)! GET OVER HERE!" Dan yells after a few minutes of dancing. You smile and look over at Phil. He smiles as well and the both of you stand up. Phil puts his hand out and you take it, walking to the "dance floor". The four of you slow dance it is super cute.

After the dance, everyone claps and you feel awkward and you look over at Phil and he feels the same. You smile and do a little bow. Dan, Phil, and Alena laugh then repeat you. And're all soaked.


"Go." Phil says.

"No, it's fine." You reply. You really didn't want to go. Alena's mom is very competitive. In fact, all the girls in her family are. You could already imagine them all fighting each other. Pulling each others hair, pushing, shoving, kicking, screaming, biting, etc., etc.

"Come on. It'll be fun!" Phil smiles.

No it won't. "Fine." You answer.

As you make your way to the girls, you notice almost every single girl is giggling and jumping up and down. You hear a few girls say, "I'm might get married next!" All, excitedly (I know that is not a word LOL)

"Ready?!" Alena says loudly, but not yelling. All the girls start screaming in their valley girl voices, "YES! YES! YES!" And you? You shrug.




Alena throws the bouquet of flowers over her shoulder and you hear all the girls start to scream. You throw one unenthusiastic hand into the air squint your eyes, ready for a girl to topple you. All of the sudden, the room goes silent and you grip something. You open your eyes to find every. Single. Girl. Staring at you. . . . . . . . .

You caught the flowers. Everyone cheers except for the girls in their thing. They just whine. Smiling, you walk over to Phil and sit down next to him.

"See, I told you it would be fun!" He says with a grin.

"I know what you're going to do."

"And what am I going to do?"

"You are going to take a circular piece of macaroni and propose to me with it."

"Will you say yes if I do?"



The both of you laugh as Dan and Alena cut the cake. Alena takes the piece of cake they had and shoves it in Dan's face. Everyone chuckles. Dan does the same to Alena, though she reacts differently. Dan tried to be mad but ended up laughing. Alena on the other hand, wipes her finger in the frosting on her face and tastes it.

"This tastes like heaven!" She says, then laughs.

"Stay here, I'll get us a slice." Phil says, kisses your cheek and stands up to get some cake. You check your phone. 3 missed calls. All from the same number. It's your mom. There are 3 different messages too, which is odd because your mother never leaves messages after she calls (if she does IRL, I'm sorry). You tap the screen and listen to the first one.

"Hey (Y/N)! It's me....your mother....if you forgot. You will not believe what we did today! I'm sorry we couldn't make it to Alena's wedding, I am getting calls from her family saying that it is fanTASTIC! We're mailing her a gift. It should be at your apartment soon! I have to go but call me when you can! Byebye!"

Cute. 2nd one.

"Hi (Y/N)! Sorry I'm calling you again, you must still be at the wedding reception. I hope the reception is fun! I have a quick question for you. Have you moved? While I was on the phone with Alena's mom, she told me that you have a boyfriend and that you introduced her to her newlywed husband. I NEED to know, who is your boyfriend? What's his name? What colour is his hair and eyes? How serious are you guys? Have you kissed? Ya know, all the good stuff! Toodles darling!"

"Aha...ahaha.....pfffffffffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" You laugh. Phil comes over with 2 pieces of marble cake. "What's so funny?" Phil asks handing you a plate. "My mother. She called 3 times and I listened to 2 of her messages and the 2nd one is just HILARIOUS! She found out I'm dating you and just asks all of these funny questions like 'What is his hair and eye colour? What's his blood type?' Alllllllllll of the funny ones!" You reply.

"Oh HAHAHAHAHA!" He laughs.

After eating about 3 slices of cake and making jokes, you slow dance with Phil for a bit. It's all cute, you guys kiss a lot. After the wedding reception, Dan and Alena get into a small limo and drive away. You call a cab and wait with Phil.

"I had fun, how about you?"

"I had a lot of fun!"

"What ever happened to the 3rd message on your phone from your mum?"

"Oh! Let me check." You say, pulling out your phone. Tapping on your phone a few times, you hold the phone up to your ear and listen.

"Hey (Y/N), something terrible has happened. Call me back."

*SALUTATIONS EVERYONE! I know it has been a while since I've updated! It is because I had a lot of writer's block and I am very busy. I went on the worst camping trip EVER! Also, I've been preparing for the new Don't Hug Me I'm Scared coming out TOMORROW! If you don't know, there is an easter egg in the whole series with June 19th and tomorrow is June 19th and Becky Sloan and Joe Pelling, the creators were very clever and made the last episode on June 19th. I'm really scared and really excited!!! I Hope you have a wonderful day/evening! Go follow my new Instagram account! My username is Sour_kinz555! I post updates, tips, and book recommendations!!! BYE FOR NOW*

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