Chapter 41

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Once you arrive, it is 12:36 in the morning. Philip pays the cab driver and opens the door for you. The three of you scoot out of your seats and head to the back of the car. You grab your bags as well as Phil's and start to head into the hotel.

Everyone starts walking behind you as you get the key to your room. "I got our key." You tell Phil. He smiles and nods, taking his bag out of your hand. "Did you pack a dress?" He asks. You nod. "2 actually. Just in case." He nods and grabs your hand. Phil gives it a quick squeeze and kisses your cheek.

"I'm excited." He says

"Me too."

Phil stares into your eyes and smiles. You smile back. He cocks his head and kisses you, once again. You start walking towards the lift as Alena yells to you. "WAIT UP!" She starts to jog over to you. Dan smiles, carrying a leather bookbag on his back. Once they all gather around the door, you hit the up button. The doors open and you all cram into the lift.

"Funky music." Daniel says, swaying side to side. Phil, Alena, and you start to laugh as Dan chuckles. The doors slide open the four of you walk out and towards your room. "We'll see ya tomorrow!" Phil says with a toothy grin. They wave the two of you goodbye and walk into their room.

You unlock your door and walk in. It is quite nice! There is a very small living room and half a wall separating the bedroom from the living room. The bathroom also looked and smelled very fresh and clean. "Whoa!" You say as you drop your duffel bag on the ground. Phil wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder.

"It's really nice." He says. His breath smells like raspberries and toothpaste. It's nice. "I know." You reply. Turning your head towards Phil's, you kiss his nose and grab your duffel bag. There is only one bed, so you would have to share. You start to dig into your duffel bag to find some pyjama pants. Once you find some, you walk into the bathroom and take a shower.

Walking out from the bathroom with pyjama pants and an old tee shirt on, you find Phil asleep in your shared bed. One of his legs hung out from the comforter. Star Wars pyjama pants. Glasses still on. Mouth wide open.You smirk and walk over to him. Kneeling down, you slowly and softly pull off his glasses and put them on the end side table next to him.

You slide into bed and fall asleep soundly.

~↟Le next day↟~

You wake up to the sun shining into the room. Squinting your eyes open, you see a blurry Phil and the curtains being tied open. He looks over at you and smiles. For some reason, he is wearing a suit. "Good morning sunshine. Pun unintended." He says and giggles at his own joke. You sit up and rub your eyes with the palm of your hand.

"Why the suit?"


"What's up with the suit?"

"Oh! We're going somewhere nice. You should wear one of your dresses."

"Which one?"

"Well, which ones did you bring?"

"Ouija Board dress or strapless lilac dress."

"Purple one."

"Okie dokie."

You stand up and stretch a bit. "WAIT!" Phil yells and tackles you onto the bed. He hugs you tightly but warm. "Hi." You smile. "Hi." He whispers and kisses your cheek. "Okay, lemme up." You say, trying to get up. Phil rolls over and lets you stand up once again. Walking over your bag, you find the dress and walk into the bathroom to change.

Once you finish getting dressed and doing your hair, you walk out of the bathroom and Phil walks up to you with something behind his back. "My queen. Let me place your crown on your head." He says with a cute smile spread on his face. You bow and he places a flower crown on your head. You giggle and grab your bag. "Let's go."

Once you get to the lobby, you spot Alena and Dan waiting for you. Dan is wearing a suit and Alena is wearing a black dress with a white collar. They wave and you start to sprint over to them. "Hey! How long have you guys been down here?" You ask. "About 3 minutes." Dan says looking down at his phone.

"Where shall we go first?"

"Well, we should just walk around and look at things. We could go to the World of Illusions, the castle, and the dungeon too."

"Sounds great! Let's go!"

~↟Le time skip to le night time↟~

"Dinner was delicious! Thank you Phil!" You say giving Phil a quick kiss to him. He smiles and nods, grabbing your hand. "There is one more place I want to go." He says. You start heading up a hill and you end up at Calton Hill. Alena takes out her camera and Dan starts vlogging it.

You look over at them and scrunch up your nose. "What are you guys doing?" You say. "It's nothing." Alena says back jumping up and down. "(Y/N)," Phil says taking both of your hands in his. He turns towards you and you do the same. "I believe you are the most amazing human being that ever stepped foot in London." He says. You blush and smile. "Thank you." You whisper. "I am so in love with you (Y/N). And I will always love you. Forever." He says.

You smile even wider.

"I love you too."

"I know. I believe that I would want to never let you go."

"Me too."



"I'm really nervous."


Phil then gets down on one knee and reaches into his back pocket. Tears start to leak out of your eyes and you cover your mouth with one of your hands.

"(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?"

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes." He chokes out a yes.


Phil starts to laugh and cry at the same time. As do you. He stands up and slips the ring onto your finger.He hug him so tight and he hugs you back. "I love you so much!" You whisper into his ear. "I love you too." He says. You smash into a kiss and Alena and Dan are freaking out behind you.

Daniel shuts off the camera and comes sprinting over to the both of you and hugs you. Alena does the same. I'm marrying Philip Michael Lester. You think.


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