Chapter Newavae

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After BGT, things went back to normal. Though, Phil asked you to move in. Of course you said yes! So now you live in Phil's house. You share a bed with Phil. Phil has great advice about relationships. Cuddles are better than kisses. Even though you and Dan aren't dating, you still cuddle with him too. Phil doesn't seem to be jealous. Probably because Dan is the closest friend you have. Phil is your boyfriend. Friends and Boyfriends are different. One night, you and Phil snuck into the kitchen and ate some of Dan's "hidden" Maltesers. Dan found out. He cursed you two off and gave you guys the finger. The whole time you and Phil were laughing. Today, you ordered a new pair of shoes. They are superman converse high tops. When they got there, you brought them to Dan's room. He was filming a video about how he got fired. "Dan. Oh, hey Internet!" You say. "Hey. Whatdobyou need?" He asks. You sit next to Dan and face the camera. "So, some of you may know that me and Phil snuck into the kitchen at night, and ate some of Dan's Maltesers. Now, I can let Dan revenge on Phil. Obly because it was Phil's idea." You say. "What? Revenge!? What's your plan?" He asked. "I got a new pair of shoes. And there is a table in the dining room." You say smirking at him. Dan laughed then high fives you. You set up the camera in the kitchen, and call Phil. Then, you hand Dan the box of shoes. "What?" Dan says entering. Then, Dan slams the shoes on the table. "NOO! GET THEM OFF! NOWWW!" Phil screams. You and Dan start cracking up as Phil screams. Dan starts opening the box and setting the shoes on the table, bare. Now, Phil is screaming at the top of his lungs. Dan falls over with laughter. You walk to the table and put them back in the box. Then, you close the box an put it on the floor. Phil stops screaming then sits down in the wooden floor. Dan, still laughing, starts trying to talk. "I-I-I think I m-m-might pee my pahhhhnttsss!!!" Dan laughs. You chuckle. Phil slumps over. You sit on the floor to and crawl towards Phil. When you get to him, you give him a hug. "Guess what." You say with a wide smile. "What." Phil breathes. Then, you point to the camera. Phils mouth opens and forms a smile. "NOO!" He shouts and goes to turn it off. After Dan stops laughing, (about 15 minutes) he starts editing the video. Then, posts it to YouTube. That night, you kept chuckling when you said sorry. For a apology, you take him and Dan to a pizza place. Why bring Dan? 2 reasons. 1 so he could apologize with you, and 2 because you and Phil still haven't apologized for taking his Maltesers.

*Hey guys! Sorry for such a long wait and a short chapter 😓 I just have school and fencing and church groups. Plus my job so....yeah. I will try to write a lot this weekend! Alright, I have to go! *gives stamp with a thumbs up for patience if you had any**

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