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Warning or Author's Note (whatever you wanna call it)

Just a little heads to all you readers (talking to you grammar Nazi's out there)

Adding this one after seven years as I've been getting a lot of comments from people about the errors here and there. And they just seem to ignore my response and continue reading on despise hating the book because of it's errors. So, I'll save you the time at right here. 

This is the first proper finished story I've written and it was written SEVEN-EIGHT YEARS AGO. It has been edited THREE times by three different editors, Every time they returned it back as is saying they did the edits. After that I just don't trust editors here (sorry to you nice one's out there). 

Now, I've improved and I am trying to focus on my more current works. So I don't find any time to edit this one right now.    

I do not feel right deleting this story as many people seem to like it and It is after all my first finished story so it means something to me.

I appreciate constructive criticism but I do not appreciate rude comments especially since you have been warned.

Now if you can't read past three chapters it's best not to move further on till the end saying how much you hate it at every few chapters.

Thank you for your time and once again I appreciate your time and all the love :)

PS: Just used to have summary version 2 here, nothing else. 

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