Chapter 7

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"John, Mom.....will you...?" She held my hand. "We are going to make our project." She walked hastily to avoid any more question and embarrassment, which on a record I found cute. We reached her room and she realizes that she is still holding my hand, so she quickly let go. I liked her family.

"Come in, sit... I'll bring my laptop. You need anything?" She asked.

"Uh Water."

"Okay. I'll be back."

While she was gone I sat on the bed and took a look around. It was a normal teenager's room. Quite neat though. It was neither too big, nor too small. Purple shaded walls. There were a lot of stuffed toys in the room. I looked over to her desk when I saw some football magazines on the table; I just picked one of them up when the door opened.

"Here." She threw a water bottle toward me.

"Foot ball fan, huh?" I asked her pointing towards the magazines. This is nice, better than Eric's plan. Thanks History.

"Yeah." She said searching for her laptop.

"Me too."

"Yeah, I figured." She jokingly replied. I am the start player, of course I love football. Dumb reply. Think Man.

"So, who's your favorite player?" I asked.

"Well I can't pick one, but on the top of my head Messi..." Everything is fitting like a puzzle, only is she didn't hated me, this would have been the best relationship.

"Okay here we go." She placed her laptop on the desk and pulled another seat for me.

"Cool picture." I commented, looking at a photograph of hers and her brother from and amusement park.

"Thanks." She replied. She has got to talk for this to work and not dodge around the topics.

She just kept on typing something on her laptop, which I didn't bother to find out because I'm really not interested in making the project. History is not my subject. So I'm trying to talk to her apart from the project. That is the plan, which is not going well.

'If you wanted to get close to her start talking, there's no point sitting quiet like an idiot. Talk history at least. Don't sit like a dumb idiot.' Devil me popped in my head to scold me.

He is right I gotta talk, clear my image otherwise, how will she come to know that I'm not what she thinks? That I'm a good guy. Right?

"Do you think we should add this paragraph?" She asked me.

"Don't ask me, I have no idea what we're doing. Just write whatever you want, it'll be good." I replied. Wow I am not good at this.


"We can..." She was about to say something when suddenly door opened and her brother came in.

"Mom said to ask if you guys need something?" he asked.

"No thanks."

"So whatcha doing?"

"Homework unlike you and what are you doing here?" Jenny asked him.

"Just came to see what you guys were doing." He walked to us and stood next to me resting his arms on the desk.

"Hi, I'm John."

"Hey, nice to meet you." I replied to him politely.

"Do you play video games?" He asked in innocently.

"Yes, I do. I've got a whole collection of racing games, boxing games and many more back at my place."

"Cool." He smirked.

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