Chapter 23

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Eric's POV

School was over now but as Ms. Sally said earlier that we have to stay for quiz so we stayed.

We were all in the school's auditorium, some were sitting on the stage, some were practicing for their anchoring, and some were making banners and rest of the things. Everyone was still mad at Martin, I haven't even talked to Emily since last night.

Didi entered the Gym in frustration, taking big hard steps, she walked to Jennifer, who wasn't shocked or stunned to see her, she was annoyed.

"If you think I am another Shea then you are wrong. I am not Shea and I am not leaving, and letting this go. You are going to regret it."

"Hey back off." Emily stood up for Jennifer.

"Get a life for you, and this is nothing like before. Because actually are a slut." I would have gotten up and interfered for Jen but the girls seemed to have it covered.

"You are living in your dreams, And call me whatever you want. You are always gonna be the loser who got fooled by the same guy twice. Have fun living the next month isolated in your house." That was a high school drama we see on TV.

"Whoa, over the line." Joy and Eddy stood right next to Jen. Didi, being outnumbered left. Didi needs some serious help.

Martin enters the auditorium after few minutes, and looked to all of us and all of us ignored him. He came to sit next to me. Everyone was staring at him.

"Dude, am sorry okay, I promise this will not happen again promise." He apologized. I wanted to forgive him, but that fact that he calls me his brother and then hides things from me.

I didn't answer him and kept doing my work. He then tells me what Donna told me.

"What?" That was new information.


"Dude, you got to do something." This is a stupid reason to end all the work we did.

"I know but what should I do?" He asked.

"Talk to Jennifer."

"Yeah as if it's very easy, she doesn't even want to see my face." He is back to being a hopeless guy I can't let that happen.

"Eric." Ms. Sally enters the room calling me.

"I'm with you okay, don't worry we'll fix everything." I consoled him and then jogged to Ms.Sally. She wanted me to bring red color paint box from Mr. Hench, our store room's caretaker.

I came back with paint box and went to girls making banner and gave it to them. Jennifer and Emily were also there. I went to stand next to Emily.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." I said to Emily and went to one of the front seats of auditorium. No one was sitting near there; Emily came and sat next to me.

"Em, we need to do something." I said to her.

"About what?" she asked.

"About our best friends." I told her.

"Eric, please don't start this.... This can never happen again....I understood now that Jen was right....I was wrong about Martin....and the bad part is I helped Martin. I am a horrible person." She said.

"What? Emily I know him....he is not lying." I told her.

"Eric you'll take his side for sure because he's your best friend"

"Em, I am not taking anybody's side here....Until morning I was thinking like you guys that Martin was wrong....but now I know the truth that he is not lying he is innocent, it was Didi's plan." I told her.

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