chapter 11

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I was stunned that all this year she kept all this to herself and never told me. She should have come to me and punch me in the face and then forgive me. Had I known I would have tried fixing it.

"Yeah and I think we should leave now, I'm getting bored." He replied.

"Ok but Joy when did it all happened -"I asked Joy as we moved to library counter. Joy checked out two magazines and we moved to school playground.

"Look I told you everything, but I really didn't believe that you would have done such a thing-I mean as long as I've known you, you are a good guy." He finally replied as we reached our basketball court there. He took a ball, made a perfect shot in the basket, and threw ball towards me.

"So what should I do now? I mean now I know the reason, I guess, so what should I do now to fix it?" I asked as I threw the ball into the basket with a not-so-perfect shot. Joy is really a good basketball player. He can easily shoot even if he closes his eyes. He is wasting his talent in the news covering of the games he could easily be a star.

"Talk to her, simple." He replied while catching the ball.

I laughed sarcastically. "Talk to her? Forget it. Joy, you are no help."

"What? C'mon Mart, talk to her. I'm sure she'll listen," He said as he did another basket and threw ball back. While stood there like an idiot missing three shots in a row.

"I don't think this is a good idea, there's no use in trying." I threw the ball to the basket with another miss.

"At least there's something you are not good at," Eric said joining the game. He took the ball from the floor and took his position to shoot.

"Oh Joy, Mr. Morris was looking for you," He informed Joy and threw the ball into the basket with another perfect shot. Seriously, he made a shot too!

"Ok, see you guys in art class then," Joy said, took his bag from the side and ran out.

I took the ball for my turn and completed my shot. Miss again.

"C'mon Martin, a twelve year old can do these simple shots. What happened to our football champion? C'mon want to have a match?" Eric teased me.

"I'm going for the art class, I don't want to get late," I ignored him. He always does that. Whenever we play basketball he always beats me easily and always teases me. And I despite what he says I never act like a big baby. But I always beat him in football. So the score is one all. I picked up my bag. Eric came behind me still asking for a match.

"No match," I said to him as we reached the art room's door and I opened it. I stopped at my place and turned back after I saw the person I didn't want to see. God what is she doing here? I thought she was on holidays.

"Let's go for a match and bunk the class," I changed my mind.

"What happened now? Just now you said no match," Eric asked, confused.

"I did but now I am saying let's go for a match," I replied, my back still to the class.

"Martin go and see a doctor," Eric sneezed.

"I think you need a doctor more than me," I said.

"Hi..." he waved to someone.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Emily and Jennifer. Now turn around." He grabbed my bag, pulled me in and made me turn to the class. I saw Emily sitting with Jennifer on one side. They already saw me. And she, my nightmare from whom I was hiding, also saw me. I hope you guessed who I'm talking about. I'm taking about Didi. She smiled as she waved to me and came towards me. I pretended I didn't see her and quickly moved to Emily and Jenny, following Eric.

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