Chapter 6

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The next day wasn't gonna be very good either, I am gonna have to do the project so... I had to focus on my math test right now, so I decided to let history be an issue of future. But I just couldn't go with my plan. Remember the universe, hates me. I ditched my friends for the movies today so I could study. Here I am in the library cramming the formula on a Saturday and Martin joined me. He was in his jersey and all sweaty, seemed like he was coming directly from practice.

"Hey." Martin disrupted my concentration. I gave a faint smile telling him on the inside to leave.

"So I was wondering did you think about the project, I really need a passing grade on this one to pass."

"Umm... I got a lot of studying to do today so let's discuss it later." Man the math book is heavy.

"Ok. Let's meet at my house tomorrow then and we can start." He suggests.

"Your house?" I blurted out loudly, almost getting in the bad eye of librarian. And fine, it was a little rude.

"Uh... I meant that..." I quickly tried to cover up.

"It's ok... let's meet at your house then."

My house? I have to think about possible scenarios. It is better than his house and what choice do I have anyways, we have to make a project together so we have to work together.

"Ok... at my house."

"Cool. I'll ask Emily for your address. See you tomorrow at around five." He said smiling and then left. Well that's gonna be fun.


Sunday, finally god's day, a day to sleep your ass all day long, but not for me.

"Wake up... wake up ... C'mon!" Em shouted in my ears.

"What is it, Em? It's a holiday, let me sleep." I say groggily as I cover my face with a pillow.

"Hey... its 12:20, get your lazy ass up." She threw away my pillow. Mean.

"C'mon who wants to wake up early on a sunday?"

"Someone whose gotta a date and it's not early, and you promised you'll help me get ready." She said and sat on a nearby chair. She was really nervous. It was kind of cute.

"Em, you are going on a date, not a war." I said while sitting on my bed and rubbing my eyes.

"But I'm nervous. Now go and get fresh. I have to leave at 2:00 and I don't want to be late. Hurry!" She pulled me up and pushed me to the washroom.

"Okay okay soldier."

"Well what do you think?" I gave Em my yellow summer dress, she loved that dress. She came out wearing it and she looked astonishing. The dress was like made for her.

"Girl, you are looking amazing." I complemented her and took her picture.

"Really? Thanks." She looked less nervous now. And she was really excited. That Eric better not screw this up.

"Oh, gotta go its 1:00 pm already, I have to reach arctic on time." She said as her cell alarm beeped.

"Kay. See you, take care, and enjoy." I hugged her and said goodbye.

"You too." She moved to my door. "Oh. And enjoy making your project." She said winking.

"Ugh don't get me started on that. Just go." I was frustrated at that thought.

"Just don't lose your temper." She smiled with this 'advice' and left. Well so what is my day will suck I just hope her date goes well.

I went to join my brother in living room after this to watch T.V. I saw my 12 years old brother John playing with his action figures and watching cartoons.

"Have you completed your homework?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied, still playing.

"Oh. Really? Can I see it?"

"Well I didn't got any okay?"

"You just said you completed it. Don't try to fool me genius." I hit his head casually as I jumped on the couch.

"I'll do it later please."

"Fine, but don't forget and give me the remote."

"But I am watching my favorite cartoon." He protested.

"Homework." I reminded him.

"Fine." He said irritatingly and handed me the remote, but it was his lucky day as my mother called as soon as I found something worth watching.

"Jennifer, will you please come and help me in some cleaning."

My brother gave me a cunning smile and felt victorious over the remote fight. I'll get to him.

"Coming." I replied to her. "You better complete your work and clean this mess." I warned my brother and left.

It took us some hours but we finally cleaned the house to top notch and I took a long shower. Showers are the best place to think. All best ideas come into our heads during showers.

"Jenny, someone wants to see you! Come down!" My brother shouted from downstairs as I layed down to complete the book I've been reading for two days.

"Coming." I shouted back. And half heartedly got up.

"Who's there Joh-" No need to ask, I saw Martin standing in my doorway.

It's 5:00 already, I checked my watch. I had totally forgotten about the project. And I kind of hoped he did too.


I jumped into my car to drive to Jenny's house. I can't believe I am driving there. But here's a mood killer a text message from Didi.

'Hey sweetie, where are you, wanna meet?' I obviously ignored it

'You should bring something.' Angel me popped into my head with a suggestion.

'Screw him, it's not a casual date, it's a study date. Just get your book and your brain. Don't act like a fool we'll be fine.' Devil me cut off.

'I am fine.' I said to myself. I finally reached her house and almost on time, girls like that so a good start. I took a deep breath and knocked. A little boy of about 11-12 years old opened the door.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Is, uh Jennifer at home?"

"Who are you?"

"I am a friend of hers." I smiled. That's a good right smile politely to the brother.

"Jenny, someone wants to see you! Come down!" He shouted in front of me. Man he was loud.

"Coming." She replied back. She came downstairs in a minute or two and saw me.

"Hi." I smiled to her. She was befuddled for a moment before she invited me in.

"Hi.... Come in" She came to the door.

"Jennifer, who is it?" A woman came down as well, probably her mother.

"Oh, is he your boyfriend, he's cute, you didn't tell me that you were going on a date." She smiled and asked Jenny. I liked her. she seemed fun and nice and had a great taste.

I just smiled politely and let Jenny take this one.

"Come in....." Her mother welcomed me in.

"Martin Solansky." I introduced myself.

"Mom, he's Martin, my "project partner" not a boyfriend." Jen said making a clear difference with air quotes and all.

"I have no problem if he's your boyfriend, he seems pretty cool and he's got a dope car." Her brother added and looked at my car through window.

"Thanks." I high fived him. I like a car enthusiast.

"John, Mom.....will you...?" She held my hand. "We are going to make our project." She walked hastily to avoid any more question and embarrassment, which on a record I found cute.

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