Chapter 19

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@dedicated to my sister here on wattpad.....:-)

It was now lunch time we were all standing in the line to get our lunch.

"Hey lets go out tonight. What say?" Martin suggested.

"Yeah cool." Joy agreed.

"Ah you guys go I am in no mood of going out." Eddy said sadly.

"C'mon man just because you look like an idiot today, everyone's making fun of you and the girl you want to impress in not even looking at you...doesn't mean you can't go out and enjoy yourself." Eric teased him. We were now moving to a table.

"Yeah thanks Eric that's a lot help." Eddy replied sarcastically.

"No need to say thanks." Eric replied smiling.

"C'mon Ed....don't spoil your mood we'll come to pick you up okay?" I tried to cheer him up.

"He'll come." Emily said.

"But where are we going?" Eric asked.

"Uh.....I don't know." Martin said.

"The Simpson's fair." Joy suggested.

"What's that?" Martin asked confusingly.

"You don't know Simpson's fair?" Joy asked shockingly.

"Uh....No." he replied

"It's a fair a big fair organized every year in our town. Everyone from our school goes there." Joy told him. He just nodded his head.

"Alright so let's go there and show martin what's Simpson fair is." I said smiling to him.

"Okay." We all agreed.

After lunch we had our chemistry class.


"Can anyone tell me what farbenzentre centre is?" our teacher asked us.

Some of us raised our hands to answer including Martin.

"Umm... Samuel." Teacher chose Samuel.

He got up to answer but before he could speak our principle Mr. Harris Kepler entered.

"Good morning Mr. Harris." We greeted him.

"Good morning class how you all are doing?" he smiled.

Mr. Harris was very nice man. I have never seen a teacher like him in whole life. He is friendly when needed and strict when needed. He is fantastic principal.

"Sorry Ms. Sally I want to talk to the class, it will just take few minutes hope you don't mind?" he asked our teacher politely.

"Sure sir." She replied smiling.

"Ok so class you all know very well that this your last year and Saturday is senior prom and before that that is on Friday you have a quiz competition in school.....and yeah of course final football match." He said looking at the football champs from our class.

"Anyways lets come to the point...I want you kids to volunteer to organize the quiz...I know you can do it very well...Ms. Sally will help you." no one would volunteer for quiz, specially as it is on the same day as the final match.

"C'mon guys a little enthusiasm." Nope, nothing.

"Alright everyone of you are volunteers." That's the best solution he could come up with.

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