Chapter 15

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"Are you really okay?" Martin again asked me when servant was gone.

"Yeah I am. Are you okay?" I asked back.

"Yeah yeah I am perfectly fine." He replied.

"But you don't look good." I asked looking at his hand. His hand was little hurt; there was little scratch on his hand on the back at joints of fingers.

"Oh...this...this is nothing....don't worry this kind of accidents happens to me all the time during practice so it's okay I am good." He replied smiling.

"You mean you used to fall on girls like this every time?" I asked with shocking and angry reaction on my face but actually I was just teasing him.

" no no...I mean I used to get these kinda scratches during know?" He explained.

"Yeah." I gave him this one word reply trying not to laugh.

"I'll switch on the lap...laptop." He quickly changed the topic and turned around to take his laptop.

"Here put this on." I gave him the pen drive from my bag.

"Alright so we have completed the written work and all we have to do is to make a power point presentation and we are done." He said looking through his laptop.

"We have to make a chart as well. I have completed it already; I have made a collage of pictures and its very colorful see." I told him as I opened the chart.

"Yeah it's good." He said but it doesn't make me happy as he wasn't even looking he was busy on the laptop.

"How can you say it's good, you didn't even look at it for a second?" I said and this time I was actually angry.

"Oh c'mon Jen you have made it so I know that it's awesome and perfect I don't have to look at it and comment." He said. Typical!

"Uh....alright." that's all I said and kept the chart on one side.

Rosy came back with food. We ate our food and started to work again.

Martin's POV

God...! I have to say that I have awesome servants at my house. My guard doesn't recognize me and says that "beggars are not allowed" and that too in front of Jennifer and that's embarrassing. Then Rosy shouts when she saw me. Moreover the icing on the cake was my room, totally a mess. I know my habits I should have informed Rosy before so she could clean the room

But anyways I cleaned all the possible mess I could and make a place for her to sit. I took the clothes and quickly went to take a shower. And the funniest thing is that when I entered the bathroom I got scared looking at myself in the mirror but thank god I didn't shout.

I quickly took the shower and cleaned the mess on me. After I am done I opened the door knob the angle me popped up and stopped me.

'Martin have you forgotten your manners.' I was just in towel shirtless. I can't go out like this I mean there's Jennifer sitting outside. I had brought clothes inside so that I don't have to go out like this.

I wore my clothes and went out rubbing my head when a dramatic scene happened. She stepped on my skate board and lost balance. But id dint let her fall, I caught her and more dramatic was I was lost in her eyes. Just after a minute we fall again on the floor when Rosy entered as I stepped on that skate board and lost my balance.

No one is badly hurt which is good.

I have no manners I didn't even ask her for water. Thanks to Rosy who came to my room and asked for food. We ate Chinese for lunch and started our work.

After about one hour of continually working in which we didn't talk about anything else but of work and completed half of our presentation. I stopped for few minutes to take rest. I was sitting on my study table with laptop and she was sitting next to me on my bed with our history book in hand reading something with concentration.

"History is tough and a nightmare of mine." I said as I stretched my arms still sitting.

"Well it's just learning." She replied.

"There are so many dates. I mean c'mon you tell someone did something in some what does it have to do with us." I raised my point and she just smiled and nodded off my query. After a minute or two I said. "Umm Jen?"

"Yeah?" she replied still looking in the book.

"I am sorry." I finally said it.

"What?" she turned her attention to me.

"I am sorry." I said again.

"For what?" she asked confusingly.

"C'mon you know what I am talking about our first meeting." I reminded the incident for which she hated me, the incident that Joy told me.

"Oh." That's all she said.

"Yeah....Joy told me that. Jen am sorry. I know it was my fault I "was" a bad guy. I shouldn't have done that and I don't deserve an apology but please it was four years back and I am changed really.......Friends?" I raised my hand forward and asked her for friendship.

A/N: So so this was a short one but I thought that its good to stop it here at this point.

What do you guys think Jennifer will do? She'll do friendship or not? Will she accept Martin's apology or not?

Well I don't know....:-)

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