Chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to two of my best friends....

Ok so this chap is dedicated to two of my best friends they are not on wattpad but they have read my stories and among all the stories they liked this one the most..... :-)


Martin's POV

"Yeah man, that's so embarrassing. Jennifer had to push the car to my house." I told Eric about yesterday's incident.

"That's bad." He replied.

"But you know what one good thing happened." I said happily.


"Dude, Grandpa's back." I told him.

"What are you kidding? Seriously......After school we'll go straight to your house." He replied.

It was now time for our second class, art class.

We saw Joy, Emily on our way coming with a very weird guy.

"Hey guys." We said to them.

"Hi." Emily replied.

"Hello." Joy said.

"Yo yo yo guys, what's up?" said that weirdo.

"Who's he?" I asked Joy in a low tone.

"Ed." He replied making a face. Poor Joy had to drive all the way with him.

"What?" I and Eric said together loudly. Man he looked totally changed, and honestly not a good change.

"Ed, will you just quite this?" Annoyance was clearly heard in his voice and Emily's face..

"He is behaving like this since morning; he is walking and talking like this,like a rap singer, a hip hop dancer since morning." Joy told us.

"You are not Eminem, only he can rock this look." He angrily said to him.

"And buddy as you friend I am giving you an advice....don't do this to yourself, you look like an idiot." He then added.

And he was right. I mean Eddy is a book worm, a geek and a super intelligent boy. But now not only does he change his style of walking and talking his attire is also change. He was wearing loose fitting jeans, loose shirt like a hip hop dancer a cap, and not only this two different color shoes. This does not suit him.

"Ed, you are wearing wrong pair of shoes buddy." I teased him pointing to his shoes.

"That's style mart, you don't know that?" he replied.

"" I said.

"And what's the reason of this sudden change?" Eric asked.

" reason I just got bored of my old look." He replied and he was lying. Yeah he was lying. Eddy is too bad at lying he is easily caught.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah...yeah." He replied. Lies lies lies !!!

"Eddy you are too bad at lying, I know why you are doing that...and it's of no use really." Joy said to him.

"What?" I Eric, and Emily asked together.

"Look at that girl over there." Joy pointed to the girl standing at the staircase on the other side. That's the same girl from the math's class, where our sneezing festival held, which we think has a crush on Ed.

"Oh you are trying to impress that girl?" Eric asked.

"Wh-no... no...not at all." Ed lied again.

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