Chapter 4

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Martins POV

The next day I was in my favorite class: art class. Art was my favorite subject after football. Yes, football is my life, but whenever I'm upset I always paint. I wouldn't say I am great but I am pretty damn good. I may not be academically brilliant but this, this is my thing. Today was the last day to submit our art project and I wanted to complete my painting. This painting is really special to me. I had painted... you'll come to know later.

Our topic was: Close your eyes and paint whatever comes in front of you.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" Eric gave me a nod, as he set up his seat right next to me. I'll be honest; he is the worst painter ever in the history of the world. But he is a math genius so that covers it. He is focusing on getting a passing grade.

"Cool." I smiled back to him and continued to work on my painting.

"Man, I have an idea." He said as he wore his apron.

"What idea?" I asked him with my eyes glued on the canvas.

"Idea to know what's going on inside the mind of Jenny."

"Oh. So what's the plan?" I asked him but I had no hope it's gonna help.

"Okay, so listen, I'll go and talk to her best friend Emily. An-"

"Bad idea." I didn't let him finish his horrible idea.

"Shut up and listen to me first." he took my paint brush so I'd pay attention. Protesting was of no use.

"Okay, okay. Just chill."

"Okay...So where was I.... yes. Okay, so I'll go and talk to Emily and will try to figure out all this. Girls share almost everything with their best friend. So Emily can tell us why she hates you."

"Okay that's a good idea but-"

"No 'buts' or 'ifs'... I'll go and talk to her. Okay?"

"Fine." I said, a little worried and a little excited.

Then I saw Jennifer entering the class. She was looking as beautiful as always. I decided to go and talk to her about what happened yesterday. Is she still upset? I moved towards her, but she didn't see me and moved to her place, laughing and talking with her friends.

I guess she still hates strong. I just hope that Eric's plan will work. I have to know what it is with her. Every single girl in our school would kill to be my girlfriend, I am not showing off by the way but I like her, and she just hates me... and hate is a strong feeling.

Jenny' POV

Emily and I were off to our art class. Today was the last day to submit our art projects. Our project was rather interesting; we have to make a painting on any topic we like, anything that calls out to us. I have made an abstract painting and it wasn't looking that bad.

Anyways we entered the class and I asked Emily what she has painted. She showed me her painting; she had painted a landscape. Believe me she's not really good at painting and all that. It was like seeing a painting of a 6 year old child, which was cute and clumsy at the same time.

I was welcomed with Didi's bicthy face. I mean what kind of a name is Didi, seriously? I moved further ignoring her and saw another idiot's face. Guess who. That's right it's Martin. He saw me and but I just didn't looked his way and move to my place. I don't want to listen to him. I know he wants to talk about what happened yesterday, but what is the need for him to clarify me? Better if we don't talk.

I went to my place and started to give my painting a final touch. Our teacher Mrs. Wong entered and instructed "Okay, class, now stop talking and stay prepared with your work. I'll take them before the class is over. Don't disturb me till then."

After that everyone started to complete their work. My painting was almost complete. I just had to take a look. I was the first one to complete the work so at first I sat idle. I walked towards Emily to see what she's doing. She wasn't painting; instead she was talking to Eric. He's also a jerk like Martin, obviously they are 'brothers' after all. But I think Emily has a crush on him. She never talks me about this, but I know she does. I don't want to interfere between their conversations, so I decided to just walk away.

I was at my place still doing nothing. I was getting bored. I saw Martin busy doing his painting. He was so concentrated with his work. Joy was also done with his painting so I went to talk to him. I never got bored in his company. He is the funniest guy I have ever met. He worked for school newspaper and helped me get in as well. I know one day, he'll be the best journalist this world will ever know. He has it in him.

After 15- 20 minutes Mrs. Wong started to take a look at the paintings. She started with Tiffany, one of our classmates, then Marcus, Joy, and other students. Then she came to me

"Hmm.. good work Jennifer but you can do better. Try harder next time ok" I liked how she was always honest and helpful critic at same time. I respect that.

"Sure ma'am" I just smiled. Then she came to Em's and Eric's paintings which are really like six years olds paintings.

"Yours both paintings are really ... umm no words to describe." That's all she said with a smile.

They both just nooded but they really don't care. It's written on their face. They were busy enjoying each other's company and we all know, that no matter what we will get a passing grade in this class given we submit something.

She moved further and last number one was Martin's painting. When she saw that painting she stood still for a minute in astonishment.

After a minutes pause she finally speak up.

"Wow... you really did this?" I've never seen such expression on her face.

"Yes of course, who else." Martin too seemed proud of his work.

"Students, this is a master piece. A complete mixture of feelings, love, anger, fear put up on one canvas, bravo. You are getting an A plus for this..... Take a look everyone" she showed us the painting.

When I saw the painting my jaw was dropped open.


author's note:

hey guys, hope you are liking the story.......

so what do you think martin has painted..... just guess... u'll cum to know in next chapter.

oh n yes, sorry for all the grammatical mistakes it'll soon be edited i promise...

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