Chapter 22

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"What?" I asked him again.

"This." He showed me a picture on his phone. The picture was Didi kissing me at fair yesterday night.

What the....?

Who captured this picture?

"Everyone in the school has seen this picture." He told me.

"But's not what it seems...I swear." I said. He kept his phone back in his pocket.

"That's why you guys are ignoring me?" This is bad.

"What so you think we should do then....? Feel proud of you?" he replied rudely.

"But Eric....I am telling you....this is not what is seems." I said again.

"I know." He replied.

"Then why are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Because you didn't tell me.....I know there is something wrong when you came back after attending a phone call from your so called friend yesterday and I asked you too but you didn't tell me....I even called you but your phone's are having a problem and you didn't tell me we could have done something...but no you didn't bother to tell me...."

"Hey Eric couch wants to see you in gym now." One of our team mated interrupted.

"Coming." He replied and guy went back.

"I'll see you later." And Eric went to gym.

God... why is this happening.....? This is not fair. Wait a second...Jennifer....I have to see her NOW. I anxiously looked for her. I looked in every class. As school was almost over, classes weren't full. Our course was over, almost. And everyone was preparing for the weekend.

I finally saw her entering art room, with some charts in her hand.

"Jennifer." I called her from my place. She stopped at the door and turned back to see who called. She saw me her face reaction turned angry and she went into the room ignoring me. And we are back to hating. I ran into the art room and thankfully no one was there....not even our teacher. She kept the chart papers on teachers table.

"Jennifer." I said. She turned away and walked to the door without looking at me. I couldn't just let her go, I grabbed her arm to stop her.


"Leave my hand." She said rudely.

"Listen to me please." I pleaded.

"Why should I? Huh? ......You tell me one thing....why me? What have I done to you? Have I ever hurt you or anything else? What is your problem?" she asked me these questions.

"Wh---what are you saying?" I asked confusingly.

"Have I ever brought you any harm....? Then I am sorry okay... Just stop please." she was really upset. I thought she was going to cry.

"No....No you have never brought me any harm." I replied.

"Then why the hell you always do this to me...? Everyone out there thinks that I am the bad guy here. It's Shea all over again. I shouldn't have trusted you. You are a horrible person." She said.

"No...Jen -----"I wanted to say something but I was interrupted by her.

"You won, okay, you won again. You were able to fool me again...because I was such an idiot to believe you. You will never change." She said and walked out of the room.

Damn it. Who the hell captured that picture? Rumors spread like fire in the jungle. I am going find who did this and I am going to ruin their life... Wait a second Didi..

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