Chapter 16

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Jenny's POV

"Friends?" he asked me.

Oh boy what should I do now? Should I forgive him and be friends with him. I mean may be my friends are right it was four years back may be he's changed now. There's no harm in friendship.

So, I smiled to him and shook hands with him agreeing.

"Cool so we are good now?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

"And also one more thing" he wanted to say something but was interrupted by a door knock.

"Come in." Martin shouted. It was again rosy.

"Sir your grandfather has come and he wants---."Martin didn't let her complete he got too excited when he heard that his grandpa has come.

"I am coming." he excitedly got up. It's like he forgot everything he happy as a five years old gets when he got his favorite toy.

He grabs my hand and said." Come I'll introduce you to my grandpa."

Before I could say something like yes, ok, of course, he rushed with me to the door.

"He's the awesome person in this world." He told me as he walked downstairs.

When we reached there I saw an old man sitting on a wheelchair, the same man whom I saw in the picture in Martin's room.

"Grandpa." Martin said happily and went to hug his grandpa.

"Ah, my champ, how are you?" He asked.

"I am good, grandpa what took you so long to get back?" Martin complained.

"Oh am sorry my boy, may be you'll forgive me after looking at this."

He took out a box from his coat's pocket and gave it to Martin.

"What's this?" Martin asked shaking the box listening to what's inside.

"Find out yourself, open it up." His grandpa replied.

He opened the box, there was a watch inside, and the watch looked very expensive and very cool too. I must say his grandpa has a very good taste.

"And who's this young lady?" his grandpa asked politely when he saw me.

"Ah grandpa this is my friend Jennifer and Jen this is my grandpa." Martin introduced us. I smiled to his grandfather. He seemed like a nice person.

"Grandpa, how was your trip?" He asked his Grandpa.


"Jen you know my grandpa was one of the best footballers of his time and now he's the best couch." Martin told me.

This sounded a little strange to me. I mean how can, a man on wheel chair play football.

"I was not like this before, it was an accident." His grandpa said. He obviously noticed the confused reaction of my face. I am a horrible person.

"No, no sir I wasn't thinking that." I quickly replied, and lied I can't directly say that in front of them.

"Grandpa." He replied.

"Huh?" I confusingly asked.

"All friends of Martin call me grandpa." He told me.

"Oh okay."

"And it's okay what you are thinking is natural to come in mind. But don't look at the wheels I was a kickass player."

"He's my inspiration." Martin said.

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