chapter 2

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Martin's P.O.V

"Hey, I am saying sorry on their behalf." I said.

"No thanks!" Jennifer said without even looking at me and walked away with her friends.

I don't know what her problem is, I always talk to her calmly, and I've never hurt her and never said anything wrong to her. Oh how can I? She doesn't even talk to me! She didn't even look at me! If there is a limit over which no one can hate someone, she's crossed it.

I walked back towards my table, still thinking of Jennifer. She is so different from the others. Honestly speaking, I like her a lot but what's the use when she doesn't like me? Correction when she hates me to her gut? I'll never be able to express my feelings towards her; I always get nervous talking to her. I don't know what she thinks of me. And I wanna know, I have to know.

"Martin babe, what are you thinking? Aren't you happy with our victory?" said the most annoying girl in our school, Didi.

Oh God, I don't know why I am stuck with this girl. She is a complete bitch. Ah! Now I remember why, it is because of my father. Our fathers are partners in business that is why I am stuck with her. We are family friends. She took advantage of it and spread the news that she and I are having an affair and all that nonsense to the whole school. I don't care about rumors but I am scared of my dad. That is some serious shit I know. But the only girl I like is Jennifer. And only if she could see that I would have left Didi, no matter what dad thinks.

'I am happy, just starving. So let's just eat." I said to her. sometimes I feel like I have an angel and devil me sitting on my shoulders like in the movies and devil me saying 'I should tell Didi to shut the hell up and leave me alone' but the angel me is saying 'Don't you are nice person don't be rude, politely shut her up and go talk to Jen.' In both cases Didi ends up out of my life, so that's a win. Only matter is I don't listen to them.

After lunch, I was going to my math's class with my best buddy Eric. I share everything with him, he is more my brother than my friend. We know each other very well. We have been best friend since we were three.

"Dude, I saw your little drama in canteen, you are a freak" Eric teased me as our teacher turned towards blackboard writing some equation.

"What are you talking about?" I said trying to look innocent although, I know very well what he is talking about.

"Don't act all innocent, I know about Jennifer. She is cute. If it weren't for you, I'd have asked her out by now."

"Yeah like she would say yes to you." I mocked him.

"Dude look at me, how can she not." Because I know.

"But I wouldn't break the bro code. Never mess around with your best friend's love." He always pulled my leg over Jen.

"Eric...." I gave him 'shut the hell up' look, or is there a word for it?

"What?" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine, we'll talk about this later after class, now shut up." I kicked his seat as a joke. Eric kicked back, grabbing Mr. Finsten's, yeah don't get me started on the name, attention who we realized was staring at us with dead look.

After math's period, as expected Eric wouldn't let go of the topic so we had a chat.

"Ok, so you do like her right?" said Eric.

"You started again" I said trying to look annoyed, hoping he'll shut up and close this topic.

"C'mon man, I know you do, you can't hide it from me. And I wanna help, I am your wingman."

He was right; it's no use hiding from him and he really was my wingman so I took a deep breath and accepted the truth.

"Ok, you got me. Yes I do like her. But it's no use, she doesn't like me, din't you see at the canteen today. She always looks at me as if I am a killer. She hates me."

Eric raised his eyebrow and said "Okay, so that's an issue but not to worry man, we'll find out why she hates you and then you can work things out." I know he means well and I want to believe his words but from what I've learned from past experience it's hard to do so.

Authors note:-

Hope you guys like it.... Sorry if there are some mistakes. This is just my first story... I'll definitely try to improve.....

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