Chapter 9

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This all happened when I was thirteen and it was my first day to school. I was walking in the hall with my books and backpack. I was totally lost.

"Where the hell is my locker?" I murmured to myself, when I accidentally fell on someone and all my books fell on floor.

"I am sorry I didn't see you," The guy said in front of me.

That guy was Martin.

"That's the reason," Emily interrupted me.

"Em, don't interrupt." I said irritatingly.

"Sorry," she whispered.


He knelt down with me to pick books.

"New to school?" he asked.

"Yes." My schedule was also there so he picked that as well and read it.

"Oh cool we have six out of eight classes together, and first is math c'mon I'll guide you to your locker."

"Thank." I put my books in my locker and we moved to math class.

"Hello Mr. Solansky, after so long," Our math teacher Mr. Frank said as we entered the class.

"Hello Mr. Edward," Martin replied.

"Frank," He said with a plain expression.

"Whatever, I thought at least once in a month I should attend the class." His friend smiled to him.

Mr. Frank got busy with some papers.

"And I think now am going to attend the class for whole year because I have a very cute partner with me. By the way, you know my name but I don't know yours?" he whispered to me.

Before I could say anything Mr. Frank spoke.

"So class, welcome our new student Jennifer Hamer." He smiled to me.

I stood up, smiled to everyone who saw me, as half of the class was busy on their phone and some were sleeping. I think Joy, you were one of the sleeping ones.

"I don't remember, math hardly interests me, well you know my grades," He said while eating his burger.

"You guys are such animals," Emily commented with a disgusted face at the way Joy and Eddy were eating. "Anyways, you continue." She looked to me.


That whole day Martin spent with me walking me around the school. He introduced me some girl Shea, I guess. They were friends. I thought he's a nice guy, although every single teacher said the same as Mr. Frank. He seems cute though and I thought him to be a nice guy. Anyways we three became good friends within few days, you know thirteen years old friendships are. Little did I knew those two were the .... Ugh I am not gonna swear.

So one day after school's over, almost everyone is gone. I was taking some stuff from my locker when someone came behind me, tapped my shoulder, and whispered my name. I got scared out of hell. I mean, c'mon anyone could be scared. It was Martin. He put his hand on my mouth when I was about to shout.

"Shh...lets go." He whispered. He took my hand and we quietly moved out.

"What the hell you were doing? I got really scared! Where are we going by the way?" I asked him as we moved out.

He took a deep breath. "What happened?"

"Mrs. Appleworm, our history teacher, was searching for me," He replied.

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