Chapter 5

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A/N: okay I did a minor change, the painting was Jennifer's first but it seemed to cliché so here's what I changed.

He has truly drawn a master piece, just awesome. There are no words to describe I but if I have to put in in words I'll use Ms. Wong's word. It was a perfect mix of love, anger, fear. Everybody's face was worth looking at. There was a pin drop silence I the class.

I'll agree he is not a guy with words so much, but he can describe his feeling well on canvas. Imagine your heart when you fell in love for first time, that excitement, that fear, that adrenalin rush. And at the same time it described the pain of heartbreak, fear of losing.

I knew he was good but that good...

At lunchtime I walked into the cafeteria and saw Didi, she was giving me a killer look. She was jealous of me. But, hello, her boyfriend isn't interested in her, that ain't my fault. I moved on to my table where my friends were already waiting for me.

"Hey." Joy greeted me.

"Hi, guys. What's up?"

"Why don't you ask Emily about her new boyfriend?" Joy said teasing Emily..

"What?" Eddy wasn't in art with us; he was lost on the conversation.

"Boyfriend, who's the poor guy?" he joked. Emily punched his shoulder hard.

"Shut up..." Emily said.

"It's Eric." I told him.

"Eric?" Sure Eddy didn't see that coming.

" what, he's a nice guy. He asked me out on a date and I said yes. What's wrong with that?" The bell rang. Emily felt bad for this, but this wasn't a big deal. I know she felt guilty to me, like she is breaking the sister code or something but I was okay with it.

"Nothing, Em. If you like him and want to go out with him, then go. Okay? We have no problem with that. Just be careful." I gave her a green light and freed her from her guilt. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Now, let's move on to our history class, you know how much Mrs. Apppleworm hates latecomers." I added. We moved to our lockers then quickly to our history class.

Martin's POV

"Dude, your painting was awesome. I had no idea that you are a good painter, too." Eric said when we were going to our history class. We were late, as usual.

"Too? I hope you are not referring to yourself." I smirked.

"Hell yeah." He proudly replied opening up his locker.

"My six old years old cousin made a better hand imprint last thanksgiving." I woke him up from his dream.

"It's deep art man." I just laughed it off. I couldn't win an argument from him.

"Hey, did you talk to Emily?"

"Yeah... and I got a date, man." He gave me a friendly punch.

"A date, great your amazing idea was to get laid?"

"I'll talk to her on the date relax, and she seems cool, I think she'll help us, I even got to know some stuff." He then added.


He told me whatever he came to know. According to her I'm a player. Am I? I am popular and am always surrounded by girls, but that doesn't mean that I'm a player. Does it? I always try not to hurt anyone's feeling. I have to talk to her somehow. But right then we were getting crazy late for our history class so we had to run.

"Late, again. When will you two learn to come in on time?" asked Mrs. Appleworm angrily.

"Sorry, ma'am" We both replied

"Next time you're late. You'll get detention. Now settle down fast."

We just nodded and moved to our seats. History is such a boring subject and I'm not at all good at it.

"Okay, so class I hope you all completed your homework. I'll collect that later. Right now I have an announcement to make. You all have to make a history project with your partners."

Everyone got disappointed, and started to whisper to each other. And some even booed.

"Yeah uh huh silence" She shushed us after some mimicking

" I had already decided your partners." That's even worse than doing project, we don't even get to pick up partners, last time I got Sam. He is a loner kind of guy, we did out project in library because he said he lived in trailer and is not allowed to have friends over. I am not trying to be a jerk but he was a big weirdo and I did all that for a B.

Mr. Appleworm started announcing names.




Jennifer- Martin,


"Wait, what? Who's my partner?" Jennifer asked, surprised. She broke Mrs. Appleworm's flow when she stood.

"Martin. Why, is there a problem?"

"Yes... I mean no... I mean..." she said. She was really confused as of what to say.

"I have no problem" I said thought it's time I pitch in.


"You are both working together and that's final, okay? No more arguments over that. Maybe now you'll be able to score higher, Martin. Jennifer is really well at my subject." Jen accepted defeat and sat with crossed arms,

I am working with her. Awesome. Thank you, God. May be I was wrong, there is hope after all Now I have a chance to talk to her.

'Don't fuck this up.' Angle and devil me said in unison.

Jenny's POV

Oh, God, why me? Why do I have to work with him? This is not fair. I'm trying to ignore him and now I have to work on a project with him. Great. This day couldn't get any worse.

"Hey, wait, Jenny" Martin called out to me as walked towards my locker after class.

"Look I had a really long day, so can you wrap this up." I was really tired.

"I just wanted to say that I look forward to working with you." He smiled and then walked away.

That's it the universe hates me.

Arthur's note: so guys what do you think about the chapter? Please tell. I know there are errors. I am looking for an editor so don't worry it'll be edited soon.

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