Epilogue Part 3

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We reached the party in five minutes it wasn't at our school. It was at some party hall booked by our school. All five of us entered the hall with full of excitement. Party hasn't started yet; we'll first give joy a surprise. Every one was busy in their works. The place looked like an insane club.

"Hey guys all set?" Eric asked everyone.

"All set buddy." Lee replied from his place. He was standing at the food centre.

'Hey what's Joy's Car number?" Mia came to ask us.

"Why?" Emily asked.

"I think I just saw his car out side." She told us.

"No ways...He is never on time...In fact he'll be ten to fifteen minutes late." Jen replied.

"Joy's here everyone." Rick announced as he entered the hall running.

"What?" Jen said with confusion.

"Rick, are you sure?" Ed asked.

"Yeah." He said for the last time. Ed was treating him like a child.

"Okay guys then hide...And someone please switch off the lights." Eric said.

"Jen... where is she?" Eric asked Jennifer about our main surprise, our main guest of honor or Joy.

"She's ready."

Then we all went to hide at various places, switched off the lights and waited for Joy to enter.

Joy's POV

"I hope this is the right address." I said to myself as I parked the car.

I have decided to go back home early from the party and to not to talk to any of my friends. I will not even remind them about my birthday.

I reached the party hall and opened the door. I was so dark inside and I wasn't able to see anything.

"Hello...Anybody here?" I shouted. This felt like a horror movies. I am too young to die.

"Hello...?" I shouted again. I think I am at the wrong place or may be the party is cancelled and none of my friends bothered to inform me. Why would they?

"God!" I said to my self in a low tone and turned back to the door. Suddenly I heard the door closing, just like any horror movies. This is not happening, not on my birthday.

"Whoa....what was that?" Now I am talking to myself. It's my birthday and now I end up trapped in some stupid dark room, talking to a no one or probably a ghost.

"Anybody there...Open this damn door." I shouted. I am not gonna die like this. Just then I saw a very dim spot light coming to me from one side of room. "That's it, there's my end." I said to myself.

"Hello...who's there?" I asked. But I am not going go down like a scardy cat; I'll go down like an idiot. I saw a figure in that dim light...it was a girl for sure as she was wearing a long gown. The figure came closer and was becoming clearer. The figure came closer and now I can the face very clearly.

"Holy crap." I said out loud. It was Kim.

"Kim?" I said with a shock and joy on my face. I was so happy to see her. She looked at me with her beautiful smile and starts to sing happy birthday. I realized she was holding a cake in her hand.

Kim was my first and only girl friend but then she got a record deal for a album. She writes songs and sometimes sings them. She moved to LA and so we broke up. I haven't met her for so long and now she was standing in front of me.

"Happy birthday to you...." She sang the last words of happy birthday. Was I dreaming or is it really happening? Suddenly the lights were on and all my friends and schoolmates jumped from all over shouting "Happy birthday Joy."

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