Chapter 25

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I didn't reply to them and ran out of the school hurriedly. I have to go to Martin's match now. I came to school in my mom's scooter. I searched for the keys in my bag and start the scooter but to my bad luck it wasn't starting. In whole my life, it decides to shut now.

"Damn it" I angrily kicked the scooter.

"Any problem Ms. Hamer?" our math teacher, Mr Frank called out to me from his car door.

" sir." I replied in a confusing tone. I was thinking that how can I get there, to the match. I have no time for chat.

"You sure, can I help?" he asked again. Let me think, c'mon!

"No it's alright sir." I replied but then I realized he was in the car, he might help me. But how can I ask him. But then again I don't see any other way.

"Um...sir can you please drop me to the Football match if it's not much trouble?" I asked him. He is gonna say no, it was a stupid idea, he don't even like football at all.

"Sure... I was going there as well." Wait what, him, football?

"Great, thanks sir." I excitedly said and we got into his car. It's like everything, everybody is trying to help; I mean math's teacher who hates football is going to see football match to cheer our team. What are the odds?

Martin's POV

After half time's over the match started again and we all started our chase for ball again. The score was one all.

For about next half an hour no team made any goal. This was an intense match

Last ten minutes were left. It was a tensed moment. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Every player was giving the game his soul because at this point one goal will change the whole game.

About seven minutes were left, the ball came to me. I dodged it. Three opposing players covered me trying to take over from me. And I was just dodging to myself, I was trapped between them.

I can't see any of my team mates there. It was really hard for me to handle them all by myself now. I saw Eric and somehow I managed to pass the ball to him. Eric passed it to Lee. Lee again passed it to me. We dodged the ball like this to the goal.

Last five minutes were left.

Eric had the ball. He was dodging it. Goal keeper had his attention on him and the ball. I was standing very close to the goal, two players covering me, Eric passed the ball to me. I kicked it with all I had. It was the last shot. All eyes were on the goal keeper. It was the longest moment in that game, it felt like now or never type of moment.

We did it!

It was a perfect shot. It was over, we won. We won for the third time in a row. I fell on my knees.

My team mates ran to me and hugged me joyfully. The score was now 2-1. All we have to do is to play with the ball for just two minutes. It was our moment. We finally did it. Every Global High Student was standing up and cheered us with all the power of their lungs. It was one of my most memorable moments. It was our school's most joyous, memorable moment. Our coach came to us and gave us a big hug. My grandpa came along congratulating us.

Opposite team and their coach was congratulating us as well and audiences were shouting madly, happily. They were a tough completion. Best team we ever played with.

It was a time to celebrate.

My eyes were looking for Jennifer. But she was nowhere, I think my heart lied to me, she will not come, and she still hates me. Heart is fooling itself. I guess this is it. It's over.

We were told to walk to a podium there. The sponsors will give us the medals and our big trophy. I was on one side happy over our victory and sad because Jennifer didn't came. I was complete but empty. I was smiling but broken inside.

After all that medal ceremony, we walked back to the locker room. Everyone was so damn happy. And they should be, they all deserved that.

"C'mon boys lets go back to school now...there's a surprise for you all." I've never seen out couch smiling like that before. It was his third victory in a row and his last victory. The entire team hooted happily. After five minutes everyone started to walk out. We cleaned out our stuff.

I was packing my bag; Eric was sitting on the bench massaging his foot.

The entire room was getting quitter as everyone left. I sat hopeless covered my feet in crept bandage.

"That was so freaking awesome." I heard a voice behind me. I turned back to look. It was Jennifer...She came.

"'re here?" I asked with amazement. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Yeah." She replied smiling.

"But I thought...." I stood up. My words didn't come out.

"You are not gonna come."

"Well you guys won the match so I came to congratulate...congrats Eric." She congratulated him and he smiled back.

" that's it?" I asked smiling to her.

"Yeah." She casually said.

"So you came just to congratulate.....I mean didn't you found anything.... in you locker, that made you come to a realization?"

"Yeah I found my books, and stuff." She simply replied.

"Oh so that's it You didn't you found any note...or something else?" I casually asked.

"Oh you mean this?" She took out my note from her jeans. Eric and the two guys left us alone. I wanted to say something but I nothing came out. I was just so happy. It was the best day of my life. I walked over the bench between us and stood right in front of her. She just smiled to me. God I love that!

I wrapped my arms around her and leaned close to her. So close that I could feel her. I could feel her hairs on me. It finally happened. I kissed her. That right there, that moment is when I felt my heart beating; that moment when I felt her and she was with me, that's when I felt complete.

"I'm sorry." She whispered to me.

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry because I didn't believed you." She replied.

"It's not your fault so there's no need to say sorry....if there would be any one else at your place she would have done the same....after what I have done its hard to believe me I know. In fact I am sorry." I replied. I think I had my answer now.

"I love you." I said

"I love you too," she replied smiling and kissed me again.

I finally got the answer to my question....

Does she really hate me?


A/N: So guys this was the happy ending...what do you think about the story....?

Which one was your favorite character?

What was your favorite part from the whole story?

Oh and there's one more chapter about School's night, what happens after this....that's the final chapter. Epilogue is next

I made this side pic myself for the first time, am gonna try more pics for my story so i was practicing with this one...:-)

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