Chapter 20 [part 1]

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Eric's POV

My poor friend Martin, god help him.

"Eric lets go and see puppet show?" Emily said to me we were now standing at Simpson's fair.

"Jennifer you like stuff toys right? So let's go to that stall." Joy said to Jen pointing to a stall few steps ahead. In one of those where one has to hit any of the balloons which are moving continuously targeting the balloons with rifle.

"Cool." Jennifer replied to him smiling.

"Whoa wait" I stopped them.

"What?" Ed asked me.

"Guys I need to talk to you both?" I said to Joy and Ed and we moved a little away from Mart, Jen and Emily.

"Are you both nuts, did you guys forget that we decide to leave both of them alone, here." I reminded them.

"Oh yes yes I am such an idiot." Joy said patting his head.

"Never mind we know that." I replied. He gave me a dead look.

Martin's POV

What the hell is Eric doing? I don't know what these three are planning now. Eric has taken Joy and Ed with him a little away and came back after few minutes.

"Um...guys me and Ed and going to mirror maze okay."

"Ugh promise me you wouldn't cry like before." Em said to him.

"One time that happened." Joy annoyed at the memory said to her. Before leaving in hurry with Ed.

"Emily you don't wanna see the puppet show now? C'mon hurry." Eric said to Emily and they too went away. No one asked us and now I am alone with Jennifer.....our friends left us..... wait I am all alone with Jennifer...Eric you genius buddy.

Me and Jenny stood there for like a minute not even looking at each other and without saying a word.

"So like stuff...stuff toys?" I finally spoke.

"Yeah, I do." She replied smiling.

" c'mon I'll try to win one for you." I said.

"Uh... " She didn't said anything, I took it as a yes and took her hand and through such a large crowd I took her too that stall. There was a board hung there mentioning 1$ per try. Well not too expensive. I gave 5$ to the man standing on the other side of the stall.

"Here." I said giving him the money and he handed me the rifle.

Another guy about five years older than me came with a girl, I guess his girl friend. He too gave the man 5$. He was competitive; I just wanted to spend time with her. He looked over to us. I passed a friendly smile and so did he, but his smile meant 'you suck'. I could feel it.

He took the first shot. The balloons were moving in the lane continuously. He took a while to aim and shot but when he shot it was a perfect shot, I must say he's good. He shot a red balloon. He is a tough competition.

All three of us I, Jen and his girl clapped for him. It was my turn now well it doesn't look difficult. I just have to aim and shoot.

It's not simple, I missed. It's much difficult than it looks. It's hard to target when balloons are continuously moving.

"Aw...its okay, it was just a first try." Jen cheered me up.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Huh." That guy laughed arrogantly. Okay not cool. He already has a girl I am trying to impress one. He has got too much attitude in him. I gotta bring him to the ground. I mean c'mon man it was just a first try.

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