Chapter 24.

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Martin's POV

My parents are still not back. I needed my dad today the most; it's animportant day for me. I have my final match tomorrow and moreover it's aboutJennifer.

It was about 10:00 at night. I already had my dinner with grandpa. He keptasking me whole time that what's the matter, of course he read my face, and Ijust lied to him I can never lie to him.

I was at our lawn. Looking at my love for football my father has arrangedevery facility for me to practice in our lawn.

I was kicking the ball again and again; sometimes it's a perfect shot andsometimes a miss. My mind was not actually on the game. I kicked the ball againand it went straight into the net.

"Fantastic." Grandpa said coming behind me. I set the ball foranother kick.

"Martin?" he called me.

I didn't replied and kicked the ball again straight into the net.

"Martin, come here now." He commanded and I stopped at my placeand walked to him without saying a word.

"What's the matter?" he asked me.

I didn't reply and looked to the ground. I know I cannot lie to him so Idecided not to say anything, or look at him.

"What's the matter son? C'mon you know you can tell me anything."he said. I needed to talk to someone, anyone.

"Grandpa...." I finally spoke. I told him everything that happenedyesterday and today, everything about Didi, my friends being mad at me and theletter. I asked him what he thinks.

"Everything would be fine. These things happens." He said afterlistening to everything.

"But how? She doesn't even want to see my face." I told him.

"Look, just leave it to the god, if he really wants you two to be onethen you two will be together, okay.....don't listen to your brain sometimes youneed listen to your heart what does it say to you?"

'Okay rude.' The devil me popped inside my head. Being my brain he wasoffended. Heart doesn't know what happens and it never accepts the reality. Itbelieves in fantasy, brain is practical and it knows the difference betweenfantasy and reality.

I took a pause to reply. I told grandpa about the 'fantasy' my heart wasbuilding up.

"That she'll come." I replied.

"Good, now enough with your practice go to bed now or you'll sleep inthis ground." He joked.

I pushed grandpa's wheel chair to his room and helped him lay on the bed.

"Good night grandpa." I said as I switched off the light and wentto my room.

I lay on my bed but I wasn't feeling sleepy. I looked out to the window tothe sky, to the stars, praying to god to help me tomorrow and hoping for thebest.


I went to school the next day in my car with my jersey in the bag. I reachedschool one hour earlier. I parked the car and then walked to the gym where allmy team mates and couch were getting ready for match. On my way to gym I hopesthat I'll see Jennifer but she's nowhere to be seen.

I reached gym and wished my coach "Good morning couch." I said.

"Morning." He replied in his usual tough tone.

I went to our locker room. All my team mates were there. I changed my clothes.Our jersey was yellow and blue in color. Mine was number 24 with of course myname and captain written on it.

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