chapter 3

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Jenny's POV

So yesterday was a bummer. I was at my locker finding my English book. Emily and Joy didn't come today. So here I am waiting for Eddy before we go to our English class and I don't want to be late but where on earth is he?

I saw him running toward me through the corridor. He rushed towards me looking tensed, scared. He was in his lab coat and glasses. He was out of breath when he finally reached me and stood taking my locker's support huffing.

"Help me!" he pleaded. "Throw me in your locker, like Simon used in fourth grade." He tried to get into my locker which was obviously small for him. For a nerd he's sometimes very dumb.

"What? Ed, tell me what happened. And where were you I was waiting here for you for like an hour or so." Okay that was exaggerating.

"I'll tell you later, right now you just help me." he again pleaded.

"Ed, tell me clearly what happened? What have you done?" I tried to calm him until I saw Martin and two of his friends came running at him in anger and shouting for Eddy. And they looked funny.

I never saw martin that angry. I saw them, they were all completely bathed in coke, and their clothes, shoes everything was wet with coke... I tried controlling my laughter. We don't wanna ignite the fire right now, do we?

Martin came toward eddy and captured him by his collar and was going to punch him. I figured I can laugh and amuse the moment later; first priority should be Eddy's life.


That eddy we're gonna kill him, he spilled coke on us. He does not know who I am. Why can't they keep science stuff in labs, He wasn't much of an athlete, so we caught him easily.

"Eddy, you son of--- Stay where you are." Andrew, one of my team mates, another victim of coke massacre cause by that asshole, yelled to him.

We caught him easily and I was about to punch him when someone came in between us. And that someone was Jennifer.

I paused for a second, lowering my fist and looked at her beautiful eyes while I could. My heart beat changed from anger to love in two seconds. 'Tell her you love her, idiot.' Angel me said. 'Smile or something you freak.' Devil me said.

She snapped her fingers and my mind came back to the situation. She raised her eyebrow and asked "What happened? What has he done?"

"He...he.... Nothing" words didn't came out,

"He spilled coke on us" Eric blurted out, he was pissed. He tried reached for Eddy who hid behind Jen. But all I could see was her, right in front of my eyes, so close to me.

"Eddy ..! What is this?" Jen then asked him.

"Um... I was trying out my new invention with coke cans and it accidentally fell on them..." he admitted with little hesitation, he knew it was entirely his fault and people call us bullies.

"Ed...! How many times we have told you not to try your inventions in public areas, it can be dangerous..."

Then she turned to us and said something which I didn't bothered listening but I guess it was something like this.

"Ok look, he's really.. really sorry for whatever he has done, right ed? And he promise he'll never get into your noses again."

Eric was about to say something but I cut him off

"No, no its ok this kind of things happens, no hard feelings." I smiled to her and Eddy.

Believe me my friends faces were worth looking. They were angry, confused. But it's not my fault that whenever I look at Jenny I forget everything.

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