Epilogue Part 1

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"I promise you nothing bad will happen now, there will be no mess." I said to Jennifer.

We were sitting at the last seat of bus together hand in hand, everything was fine now. We were going back to school. Whole bus had an atmosphere of excitement. Our schoolmates have arranged a little party over our victory.

"But still there's one problem." She said.

"What?" I asked.

She looked to Eric.

"Don't worry about that." I replied smiling. Now I have to put some sense in my brother's brain.

When we reached school, we saw all the students, all the teachers standing there to welcome us with a banner written "Globalars rock", with lots of balloons and a big cake.

There was only one person who deserve to cut that cake, Our coach. It was a proud moment for him.

Jennifer went to Emily and brought her here at our place, I went to Eric and brought him at our place.

"Mart....what's the matter?" he was continuously asking question and so was Emily but when the saw each other they stopped talking.

"So Emily don't you think you should say something?" Jen asked her.

"Eric....." I hit Eric's shoulder.

"I'm....um.....sorry." he finally spoke.

Jennifer hits Emily's shoulder.

"Me too......I'm sorry too....I shouldn't have talked to you like that." She said.

"No....uh actually it's my fault.....you were right at your point." Eric replied.

"No...it's my fault...I could have talked a little politely." Emily said.

'Okay that's getting a little annoying.' Devil me popped up in my head.

"Hey, both of you are so damn sorry we get it now stop shut it and give each other a big hug." Jennifer scolded them. They both made up easy, no drama.

This is good. This is really good.

I saw Ed and Joy and walked to them.

"Hey guys." I smiled to them.

"We're sorry Mart." Before I could say anything, they spoke. And we simply gave each other a big friendly hug.

"Buddies again?" I asked.

"Buddies again." they replied happily.

Finally everything is fine. Oh! It felt good. Normal, that's what I wanted.

We all enjoyed a lot. We danced and even our teachers danced. We ate a fantastic meal, arranged by Mr. Rudwick, canteen in charge. We had the trophy placed in school's all of fame. It was really an historical moment for school. And for me it's the most memorable moment. I have no more issues with my friends. Eric and Emily are together again. Moreover, the girl I love feels the same for me.

I saw Donna standing on the one side enjoying watching everyone dancing and having a drink. I along with Jen walked to her.

"Donna?" Jennifer called her.

"Aww you guys made up." She replied.

"Thanks..." We said together.

"For what?" She asked.

"If you were not here, then all this misunderstanding wouldn't have been clarified....so thanks." Jennifer said.

"Look guys I just did the right thing, so please don't thank me for that." Donna said.

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