Epilogue part 2

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Emily's POV

Oh my god, it's already 5:30, Eric would be here any time and I am still not ready, where is my watch and my sandals?

"Mom, where's my golden watch?" I went downstairs to the kitchen to ask my mom, I got no answer.

"Jay...where's mom?" I asked my elder brother. He was watching some action movie on the TV.

He is four year older than me but still sometimes I feel that I am the eldest.

"Mom and dad have gone to Aunt Mona for dinner." He replied with his eyes glued to TV. I went back to my room. I have to complete this search on my own.

Eric's POV

I was on my way to Emily's house.

I was a little late because of my family. My little sister, well she asks way too many question. "Where are you going?", "What is school night?", and "What's the use of it?" and blah blah...she kept on asking me the question while I was getting ready. She is pretty young and annoyingly curious.

And my mother she kept on saying the things like "Son, don't switch off your phone, don't ignore my calls, and don't drink...don't come too late" I mean c'mon. I am eighteen for crying out loud.

My sister is just like my mother they both are too talkative, while I am just like my father.

But he was partly the reason why I am late as well. He stopped me give me some suggestions and telling me not to listen to my mother and enjoy to full tonight. He had done all his fun in his time and wants me to experience them as well. He is more excited for my college than I am.

Okay my family is getting a little weird but hey I love them, I am weird that way too and my family rocks.

I finally reached Em's house around six. We both were real late. I pressed the door bell and her brother opened the door.

"Hey Jay, how you doing buddy?" I greeted him.

"Fine. What are you doing here?" Her brother clearly doesn't really and he doesn't even bother to pretend.

"Uh...Emily I came to pick her...We have school night tonight."

"You are her date?' he surprised and disappointed. C'mon that was rude.


"Well she's got a weird taste..." he replied.

"Good one jay." I laughed the insult off. He laughed back. Oh now he pretends.

"This was not a joke." He then and I stopped laughing. He is making me nervous.

"Hey. I found my watch." Emily said entering the hall.

"Hey Eric." She said as she saw me and walked to us.

"Looks like you and Jay are getting to know each other, developing a friendship here huh?" she was happy to see us.

"Yeah I guess." I replied but I wasn't sure of my answer.

"Jay we are going now okay? See you later. Bye bye." She gave him a big hug.

"Yeah okay. Take care of yourself." He replied.

"Yeah I will."

"Enjoy yourself." He said and we walked to our car.

"Your brother loves me." I sarcastically smiled.

"Oh c'mon. How am I looking?" Emily asked me. She was wearing a yellow long dress.

"Uh.......like a sunshine." I replied after a minute of thinking. I am not good at this.

"What?" she replied laughing out loudly.

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