chapter 1

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"So everyone, don't forget to do your homework. Complete all ten questions. I'll see you all tomorrow." announced our History teacher, Mrs. Appleworm. Yeah don't even get me started on the name.

"Thank God that class is over, I was really getting bored and I'm feeling very hungry." Emily yawned as we all left the room and head towards canteen. Emily had been my best friend since I was thirteen and came to this city.

"History is the worst subject; it's the only subject getting in my way pf perfect score." Our friend Eddy complained on the way out. He is a big nerd, a science enthusiast as he calls himself.

"Where's Joy?" I questioned Eddy.

"Oh he must be with our football team's stars. Today, we defeated Sanbay High and entered the final match. He's taking their interview." said Eddy with proud over our victory.

As we entered canteen no one was there, not even the lunch lady.

"Guys what's wrong? Why's nobody in the canteen at lunch time?" asked Emily took a step back. It was weird seeing canteen empty, it's like Sunday and perfect plot for high school scare movies.

"I don't know" Eddy and I said in unison. We headed towards an empty table.

After a few minutes herd of students entered cheering Global High with all the football players, in few seconds it was back to normal crowd, usual clattering and usual chattering.

Our friend Joy entered canteen with the crowd, taking to Martin who's walking hand-in-hand with his annoying, arrogant 'girlfriend' or so they act like it, Didi. Martin's one of the most popular guy in school, captain of our football team and heartbreaker to every girl in school, and perfect example of a player.

As they passed our table, Martin looked at me with a smile but I looked away and started to talk to Eddy about his Science project.

"Oh my gosh! Martin Solansky is so hot. And he was looking at you, but you just looked away. How could you? Every single girl here wants him but you..." said Emiy.

"Deb, I don't want to talk about him." I said giving Emily a warning look.

He always does that, smiling and being nice and all that but if he thinks that he can play with my heart then he's wrong; I am not like other girls. I know his true colors, hell I've seen with my own eyes.

We started our lunch and as usual Eddy started telling us about his project, which obviously made no sense to us, when two guys from the popular batch came to our table and said "Get up you idiots, can't you see this is our reserved table." : Like really this shit.

"But we are already sitting here, can't you sit anywhere else?' I asked faking a polite voice while all I wanted was to punch their jerk face.

"Oh no no, this is our reserved seat girl." One of them said to me trying to scare me into loosing the argument.

"Really but I can't see your name written here." replied Eddy, taunting and then laughing with us.

"Oh, get up and I'll show you, you nerd". He threatened him.

Eddy got up with anger and put his hands up, as if he was going to punch him hard in his face whilst the guys also prepared to fight... But someone stop them. And guess who it was? Martin Solansky.

"Guys what are you doing? Fighting for a table! Go and sit on another one they were already sitting here, right?"

"No thank you, this is a 'reserved table' for 'populars', not for us 'commoners'... We'll find another table." I said angrily, this shit is very common around here and Martin getting involved made me leave so got up with both my friends and we gave them a disgust look as if saying we'll get to you.

'Hey, I am saying sorry on their behalf, you can sit here." Martin said calmly to us.

"No thanks!" that's all I said and we walked towards another empty table....

I didn't want the discussion to stretch any longer, plus it was pizza day why would I ruin my appetite over him, right?

A/N: The spacing is messed up at some places. I tried fixing it. But it wouldn't save my changes  :/ I'll try it again later....

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