Chapter 18

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Didi's POV

"This is very expensive dress." I shouted at Donna and Amy. They were helping me cleaning my yellow dress which was now red because of ......Martin. Ugh!!

If it was somebody else I would have kill that person but why him.....he threw paint on me. Like seriously.

"See its good now." Donna said smiling.

"I want perfect not good." I shouted at her and she stopped smiling.

"Oh let me try." Amy said.

After their long try I get a much clean dress and face. Not exactly what I wanted but it was okay.

We moved out of the washroom our art class was already over and next was....god, who cares! Why is Donna here?

"Donna which is the next class?" I asked her.

"Uh....history." she said looking at our schedule.

"Ok let's get our books." I said and moved to my locker they followed me.

Everyone in the corridor was looking at me and laughing that's just not done. Ugh. I just can't bear this.

I quickly reached my locker, grabbed my books and moved to my history class trying to avoid all laughing faces that were laughing at ME. No one dares laugh at me.

And not only this, I got another surprise on my way.

Guess what?

Martin was giving a lily to that, that Jennifer. A flower... That's never good. Oh I don't have any words to insult her, I wish I had paid attention n my English class and had worked a little on my vocabulary.

I am gonna find a week spot and hurt her right there.

Jennifer's POV

"Ok so now exchange of flowers and all started huh?" Emily started to tease me now.

We were sitting in our history class with our partners waiting for our teacher Mrs. Appleworm.

Emily was sitting behind me with her partner, Audrey. Martin was busy learning something.

I turned back to answer her.

"No Emily it was a friendly gift." I said in a low tone so Martin did not hear.

"Yeah." She said and winked.

Didi entered class with two of her girls. She passed us and gave me look, a very disgusting look, and moved to last seat with her partner. What happened now?

"What is that girl's problem?" Emily said irritated by her.

"Who cares? We don't give a damn about it do we?" I said to Emily and turned back to front.

I started to revise some dates in my mind that I have to speak today in the class. wait no its 1924....ugh...I should better check. I moved my hand to my notebook and saw martin's lily there. I picked it up.

Alright so now he gave me a lily. Good, because he said it was just a start of friendship. I looked to Martin he was still busy learning. I looked back to lily. I think I am confusing myself for nothing. Nothing bad will happen now everything is fine.

"Now you will keep staring at the lily?" Emily started to tease me again. I smiled and turned to her.

"Em...." before I could reply to her, Mrs. Appleworm entered the class.

"Good morning everyone." She greeted us.

"Good morning Mrs. Appleworm." The whole class replied.

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