Chapter 8

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Next day I over slept so I had to skip shower and quickly get ready for school. I wasn't really in mood of going to school. I mean, who wants to go to school on a Monday after a good weekend? Especially if they had a weekend like mine.

I picked out my favorite red top and a denim short skirt to wear and took ten minutes to get ready. Yeah I am fast. I grabbed my bag and went down where my friends were already waiting for me. All four of us, Em, Eddy, Joy and I, go to school together in Joy's car most of the time.

"C'mon Jen, we're getting late," Joy shouted from downstairs.

"I am here. I am here. C'mon, let's go." I waved my mom goodbye on the way out.

"So how's your study date?" Emily asked a little excited and smiling as Joy started the car. Joy and Ed, who always calls shotgun before us sat in front.

"What study date?" Joy asked.

"History project with Martin. Remember?" Eddy reminded him.

"Oh, yeah."

"Guys, it wasn't a date or a study date." I declared.

"C'mon, just tell us what happened." They all sat in their chairs, waiting intensely. I sighed.

"What do you all think happened? My family has become a big fan of his. Just play some music." Jay laughed off and played Firestone by Kaygo. I told them everything, they wouldn't just let that go.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Em gushed.

"Jen, he really is a nice guy. I know him. I think you should give him a chance." Joy suggested.

"Chance? What do you mean by chance?" I asked them.

"Jen, c'mon you know what we mean. He's a nice guy and he likes you. What's the problem?" Eddy asked. I slid down my chair sighing and didn't answered the questions, I had no more answers for them. Finally, school came into view and we stepped out of the car.

"Jen, you can't just let it go like this. We are friends, right? So just tell us." Emily said.

"Agreed." Joy stated.

"Exactly." Eddy added.

"Fine but right now we should move to our classes." I said. I am left with no choice. I know that they'll not leave it like this.

"Ask about Em's date. She was actually one." I pointed out.

"Well we all were on the group chat last night; we all saw her hash tag status." Joy gave her a poker face. Em had a serious problem of status updates.

"Guys, I have to go to my biology class. See ya'll later, bye." Eddy said.

"Okay, see you."


The rest of us moved to our English class. First period went by smoothly. Second and third went the exact same way. Nothing happened. May be universe doesn't hate me after all.

Forth was Chemistry. I moved with Em to Chemistry Lab. As we entered, we saw Eric talking to a girl. I don't know what her name is but that doesn't really matter. The girl was flirting with him badly and either Eric is a really polite guy or a big flirt.

"You want me to kick his ass?" I asked Em.

"No no let me talk to him first." Emily was all about talking and solving matter with discussion. Well all issues don't solve by discussions. Eric saw us and waved to us. We smiled back.

"Hey, Juliet." He joined us wearing his lab coat.

"Hi, Jenny."

"Um who was that girl?" Emily tried asking casually but she could never hide her feelings.

"Are you jealous?" He pulled her leg.

"Just answer the questions?"

"She is my second cousin." Oh now the hug makes sense.

"Oh that's good." Em was relieved.

"I said Hey Juliet." He repeated.

"Hey, Romeo." Em leaned in to give him a kiss. So I guess date didn't just went good, it went great.

"Romeo, Juliet? Seriously. I mean, you both are calling each other Romeo and Juliet?" I asked. I really don't like calling each other by these kinds of nicknames, cutie cupcake etc. it was a great opportunity to make fun of them. Well on the bright side I had a couple to tease now.

"Ya, so what?" Em asked me.

"Ah... nothing." I just nodded and opened my book. Better not have an argument with her. Nobody can win from her.

"Ok. So class, quickly make a group of three and start to try the experiment we talked about yesterday." Our teacher, Ms. Teri, announced as she entered the lab. She was the laziest teacher I've ever seen in my life and I will ever see in my life.

"Ok, so let's all three of us make a group then." Eric said looking towards us.

"Ya sure." Em looked at me and waited for my answer. Why would I say no, when I know Em wanted nothing less.

"Yeah, why not?" I finally said.

"Ok, so what's this reaction about?" Eric clueless looked at us.

"I don't know, ask her, she's good at chemistry." Em equally sucked at the subject.

"Oh really, you know what? Martin's favorite subject is chemistry. He's totally an all-rounder, he's a fabulous football player, a very good painter, also good at chemistry." Here we go, best friend being a wing man.

"Oh that's interesting." Emily nodded and looked at me with a smirk, I nodded and buried my head in book.

"By the way where is he?" Emily asked.

"Umm, maybe he's with our couch?" Eric said doubtfully.

"Will you both please concentrate on the project at hand?" I asked.

"Ok." they both said together.

During the whole period, they hardly concentrated on the project. They were busy talking to each other, and calling each other by different nicknames. I ended up doing the work, may be having a couple around as friends had no perks at all.


We as usual walked to look for an empty table with food trays in our hands.

"Okay, let's go." Joy said as she sat on the table. Eddy looked at me along with Em and Joy. I was confused.

"Tell." Emily said completing the sentence.

"What?" Oh I had forgotten.

"You said you'll tell what happened." Emily said.

"What happened?" I tried to shove off the subject.

"Don't act innocent. C'mon spit out." Joy said.

"Oh... that it's nothing guys." I laughed off . Alll three of them kept looking at me, even giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh... fine." They left me no choice.

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