Chapter 10

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"Have you guys completed the assignment?" Eddy asked on our way.

"There's an assignment?" Emily had wide open eyes.

"Seriously?" Eddy astonished how could we be so careless.

"I had it completed last weekend, but I didn't tell you because then you'll would have just copied it." He then added.

"Shut up bookworm, you are the person who completes that work which is not yet given, you are an exceptional case," Emily replied to his comment.

"Now what?" I asked Emily.

"We'll do something, right now we should move to our class," Emily replied. I just hope she had a plan.

"Ok," I said and we all move to our respective lockers to get our books. On my way, I accidentally bumped into Martin. I was in hurry I wasn't looking. It was partially my fault and partially his. But oh god he smelled terrible, so I put my hand on my mouth.

"Sorry," We both said together. I moved left at the same time he moved left. So I moved right, and he also moved right. Then he moved left I also moved left. Eric finally got annoyed and stopped our left-right game.

"Wait" He pulled Martin towards him, giving me the way.

"Thanks," I said to Eric on my way.

Martins P.O.V.

What a confusing game of left-right. Thanks to Eric because he stopped that craziness, but why had she kept her hand on her nose? Do I smell bad? Man she was looking hot.

"Dude, what's the matter? Do I smell bad? Why has she kept her hand on her mouth?" I asked Eric.

He smiled and said. "Of course, you just came from the gym practicing for a long time. I guess since morning so yeah you must smell terrible." He then sniffed and made a disgusted face.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I threw that ball at him.

"I'm having a very bad cold. And I don't start my day smelling you." He sneezed for the tenth time since this morning.

"Yeah I can see that. Now what should I do about this, my smell?" I asked.

"Simple man, use deodorant." He threw a deo towards me. He always has one in locker. Mine is always in the car.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. I'll go and change these gym clothes first. You go to the class otherwise you know how Mr. Frank is."

"Ok. Be on time," He said and went to class as I went to change. Then I quickly grabbed my books and rushed to class. I was already fifteen minutes late. As I reached the class I saw Mr. Frank writing some equation on blackboard, his back towards the class. I tiptoed into the room, as quietly as I could. I went to last seat slowly and sat down without making any noise, sitting next to Eddy. One seat ahead me was Eric sitting with Emily and one seat ahead him was Jennifer. Thank god Mr. Frank didn't notice.

"Mr. Solansky." Mr. Frank said still writing on the blackboard.

How did he knew that I am here I hardly made any noise? That's it he is a bat. Wait that doesn't make any sense.

He turned his back to us. "Don't you think you should take permission before entering in the class?"

"Ye-yes sir," I said. I was still shocked. That man is creepy.


"I'm so-"

Eric sneezed out loud.

"Bless you," Mr. Frank said to him.

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