Chapter 13

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A/N: Ok now this chap is dedicated to Eric's fan......


We both moved to my car. After few minutes girls reached there.

"Hi guys." Emily said in her usual exited tone.

"Hi." I replied.

"Hey sweety." Eric said and they both hugged each other as if they are seeing each other after a year.

"Last time you guys saw each other was like 15 minutes ago." I commented.

"So what? That's what you call love." Eric replied.

"Yeah whatever. Let's go now."

All three of them move to the back seat and I moved to driver's seat. As soon as I realized that I said "Hey guys, what am I? Your driver? One of you has to sit in front with me."

Eric and Emily both looked to Jennifer at once and she was left with no choice but to sit in front with me. She took a deep breath and moved to front. I set my goggles and was about to sit when I saw Robin and Baccket hiding behind the tree on the other side. They were still hiding from their girlfriends. Their girlfriends saw me while searching and I pointed to the tree. The girls silently moved there. God these boys, serves them right.

They were saying bad about their girlfriends and talking about other girls and that too of Jennifer. I am not saying that she is not hot and beautiful, she is but they are not to say all that.

"Dude you wanna leave?" Eric said from inside. I got into the car and started the engine.

During the whole way there was completed silence between me and Jenny. Only Eric and Emily were the one's talking.

'You idiot, man she is sitting next to you in your car moreover she was nice to you since morning so talk to her.' Devil me popped up in my head.

"Umm Jen .... You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." She simply replied.

'God Martin... "You okay." Seriously that's the best you could come up with?' Angel me popped up with the other one.

'C'mon Martin every second girl in the school wants be you girl friend and want a ride in your car next to you but you wanted Jennifer to sit next to you and now she is.' The angel me spoke.

"Am trying ok....." I replied to myself.

"You are a freak. Bit weirdo" Yeah devil me is mean. All my thoughts does is give me worthless suggestions.

"Shut up." I said a little louder this time and grabbing everyone's attentions who were now looking at me like a crazy person.

"Uh...I... was thinking something..... very.... Important. Yes very important."

'Huh smooth.' Devil me taunted.

"Dude you really need to see a doctor." Eric said.

I didn't said anything to him, because I was actually acting crazy and talking to myself.

"There's my house stop here." Emily said as her house has reached. I stopped the car there.

"Bye guys." Emily waved to us as they both got out.

"Bye guys." Eric followed in on her.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said and drove off

Eric's POV.

I was smiling over my thought as I saw the car leaving. Emily was holding my hand.

"C'mon lets go. She turned back and saw me smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked putting both her hands on her waist. She smelled something fishy.

"What so you want? Should I make faces looking at you?" I joked and moved to the door.

"No, no there's something else. You have done something, haven't you? What is it?" she asked again curiously.

Well my plan included only Joy and Eddy but I guess I could tell her.

"Eric?" she asked again raising her eyebrows.

"You would not understand." I replied.

"I will tell me please, please" She gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright get in then I'll tell you." I can't help it I just can't hide this from her.

She opened the door no one was at home both her parents are working and she only had an elder brother who lives out of town. She quickly took me to the couch, made me sit there and sat next to me.

"Ok now tell." She looked at me like little kids look at their elders for story time.

(Flash back)

"Those two are idiots." Joy said as me Eddy and Joy came out of the school office submitting their articles for tomorrow's paper.

"You are right about that." I joined their conversation.

"Those two are idiots." Joy said again.

"I think we have to do something now." I said.

"What do you mean? What can we do?" Eddy asked.

"We can do a lot dude. We are their friends so we got to do something because they will do nothing." I replied.

"Those two are idiots." Joy said for the third time.

"Shut up Joy one more time you say that I am going to punch you hard on your face." Eddy said to Joy irritatingly.


"Come with me I have an idea to make way to the Martin's house a long way." I said.

"What do you mean?" Eddy asked.

"God you geeks. Ok listen then scientist. You know Jen and Martin are "idiots" as our "intelligent" friend Joy has already said three times, Martin is dumb when it comes to Jennifer and Jennifer... you know"

"Yeah angry young woman when it comes to Martin." Eddy added.

"Jennifer and Martin are going to Martin's house for project."

"Yeah so what?" Joy asked.

"So we'll make them spend more and more time together alone, so they'll have to talk" I added.

"Okay but how?" Eddy asked. And I gave and Evil smile.

"No... No... no, evil smile please.... God what's cooking in your mind?" Eddy asked quite scared. He was a scardy cat, except for the time he spilled coke on us. I moved out and they both followed me.

"Eric what is the plan?" Joy asked.


We went out to the parking. I told them my plan and they both agree though Eddy was not really happy about it but we made him.

Joy did the main job as he had more knowledge in cars than me and Eddy. He cut the gas pipe in Martin's car. So his car will eventually stop after few kilometers.

Joy got his hands all black but it was worth it...

(Flash back over)

"How could you do this to your own friend?" Emily asked laughing on my plan.

"What? You know those two are..."

"Idiots." We completed the sentence together.

"But his car... he'll get angry if he comes to know." She said still smiling on my evil but nice plan.

"Who's going to tell him? And if he comes to know he'll get angry for few minutes but then he'll just be fine.... He loves his car a lot so maybe he'll get angry for few hours but he'll eventually forget." I replied. I sat relaxed putting my foot on the table.

Let's just hope for the best." Emily said sitting next to me crossing her fingers.

"Everything would be just fine. Relax... now come here." He pulled Emily to himself playfully.


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