Chapter 20 [part 2]

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I was in no mood to talk to anyone. I was so mad. I wanted to go home. I reached the place where I left Jennifer. I saw everyone there Eric, Emily, Joy and Ed. They all were so happy. I thought that I'll go and tell them that I wanted to go home but I don't want to spoil their fun. So I reached there with a fake smile and pretended as if nothing has happened.

"Hey.....what took you so long huh? We were waiting for you." Jen said.

" was an old friend on the phone. Sorry." I made an excuse.

"Okay never mind...let's go and eat something I am starving." Eddy said.

We all went to a food place there and took a side table and ordered pizza, burgers, cold drinks.

They were all laughing talking and having fun. But me, the only thing going on my mind was Didi, she destroyed my mood and my night out with my friends and Jennifer.

Eric's POV

I was having a lot of fun with Emily. We saw puppet show which was honestly very boring for me, but I lied to Emily that I enjoyed it because she was enjoying.

Then we met a street magician on our way. He showed us some fantastic magic. He gave me a piece of paper and told me to draw something on it. Then he told me to crush the paper and keep it in my pocket. Then he holds my hand and Emily's hand and closed his eyed. Then he said some word which we didn't understood. And then to our amazements the same image was seen on Emily's hand but paper was untouched in my pocket, I only I was the one who knew what the homage was. I don't know how he did it but it was amazing. I wanna know the secret.

We were enjoying a lot and I hope Martin's having fun too.

"I am hungry, let's call others and eat something." Emily said.

"Okay." I said and took out my phone and dialed Martin's number.

But all I heard was "This number is out of reach" I called him three times but every time I heard this only. Where the hell is he? I called Jennifer then.

"Hey...Hey Jen where are you guys?" She picked up.

"Umm...Eric...I am sitting opposite to candy house at a bench." She replied

"And where's Martin?" I asked.

"He has gone to attend a call...its network problem here." She told me.

"Okay stay there we are coming." After that I called Joy and Ed and told them to meet us opposite candy house. We all met there and waited for Martin.

"So guys what did you do?" Emily asked as we reached there.

After ten minutes Martin came back.

"Hey.....what took you so long huh? We were waiting for you." Jennifer asked him.

"Uh...I was an old friend on the phone. Sorry." He replied. Something was wrong, I know something has happened.

"Okay never mind...let's go and eat something I am starving." Eddy said.

We all went to a food place there and took a side table and ordered pizza, burgers, cold drinks. Best night out ever!

When our pizza came we all took one slice each. One piece was left because Martin was into his thoughts and didn't realize food was in front of him.

"Martin you want your piece or should I take it?" I joked.

"Huh?" He was somewhere else. I pointed to the pizza slice.

"Oh ...yah." He realized that we all had started eating. He took his slice and started to eat. What's going on with him?

After eating we went for ice-cream stand there. We took a lot of pictures. It was about eleven now and fair was about to close for today. We left the fair with lots of memories, beautiful memories.

"Baby, are you sure you can go home all by yourself?" I asked Emily.

"Yeah we are not kids Eric it's okay.....See you guys tomorrow bye." She said good bye to all of us.

"See ya guys." Jennifer said and they both got into Emily's car. Us, the guy's our night hasn't ended yet.

"Just give a call when you reach home okay?" I said to Emily through the cars window.

"Okay." She replied smiling and we gave each other a small peck.

"You too." I said to Jennifer.

"Okay-okay." She said. And they drove off.

We got into Joy's car. Me and Martin at passenger's seat and Ed sat with joy in front. He had shot gun before me, damn it.

Martin sat resting his head to the window.

"Dude, what's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied and looked out of the window.

"So guys we are not going straight to home right?" Eddy asked us.

"Of course not." Joy said.

"So what's the plan, wanna go for drinks?" I asked to them.

"Guys...guys drop me home first and go wherever you want after that." Martin said.

"What?" all three of asked him unison.

"Yeah." He replied.

"But why?" I asked.

"I just wanna go home I am not feeling good." He replied.

"Okay fine we'll drop you home then." Joy said.

I realized Martin was holding that box that he wanted to give to Jennifer. It means he didn't give it to her.....of course, he didn't.....and it means he didn't even tell her...that's the reason that his mood's not good....but I don't know why I think there's something else too....but I don't know what. This is annoying.


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