Curtis Sister Imagine #2

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Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Can you do a sequel to the Johnny imagine where you are the Curtis's sister and you get the ring? Where you guys are being cuddly on the couch and he keeps tickle kissing your neck and the guys walk in. But they are okay with you guys together.

As you head upstairs to watch a movie with Johnny, he starts to tickle you from behind. You laugh as you keep walking. When you finally reach the couch, he stopped. You sat down with him, and he put his arm around you. You hear the door open, you turn around, it was Ponyboy. Johnny quickly removes his arm from your shoulder.

''No, it's fine Johnnycakes, I already know you and Y/N are together, no need to hide it'' Ponyboy says.

Johnny sighs and puts his arm back around you. Ponyboy enters the kitchen and fixes up a sandwich. After he was finished, he grabbed his jacket. And started heading towards the door.

''I gotta head sis, see you later. You too Johnny'' Ponyboy says while heading out.

''Bye Pony'' You and Johnny say.

As you get more close to Johnny, you start to get really comfortable, you hear the door open again.

''Did you forget something Pony? Of course you did'' You say with a smile.

''No, I'm Soda'' Sodapop says.

Your eyes widen, so do Johnny's. He quickly turns around with you, standing right there was the whole gang. You give them a nervous smile as Johnny takes his arm off of your shoulder.

''Are you two...Dating?'' Darry asks.

You look over at Johnny and then sigh with a nod.

''Well why didn't you tell us earlier? That's awesome!'' Steve shouts.

''Wait, what?'' Johnny and you say.

''Yeah, were perfectly fine with you and Johnny being together, plus, it was pretty obvious of all the times we hung out'' Two-Bit says.

''T-That's great!'' Johnny exclaims.

Johnny shoves you down and starts to kiss you passion tally. The whole gang starts to laugh, as they head to the kitchen. After a few weeks, you and Johnny were so happy you were together. And even happier that the gang was fine with it.

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