Ponyboy Curtis Imagine

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 Johnny has been the person you could always count on. He's overprotective and you enjoy that because you need that protection. Whenever you're about to make a stupid decision, Johnny is always there to tell you not to do it. You would actually probably be dead if Johnny wasn't there for you. But the one thing that Johnny really does help you on, is your parents.

 You've never thought that you could be scared of your parents, but you were wrong. Your parents scare you because if you do one little thing wrong, they scold you and beat you for it. And they're starting to realize that Johnny is like your guardian, and so whenever they try to beat you, Johnny is always there to step in and save you from the beating. Because when they beat you, they don't beat you lightly, it's not just a flick on the head. It's not just harsh words that cut deep.

 It's full out, belt whipping, punching and slapping kind of beating up. You've been through that process about three times. Because all those three times, Johnny was never there to save you. You've tried so many times to teach yourself to stand up for yourself, but you always fall back whenever it comes to that. You don't know what Johnny did, but whatever he did made the parents not beat you up.

 But you just couldn't figure it out in time to use it for yourself. But you knew as long as Johnny was with you, he would have your back.

''Jasmine! Get down here!!'' you cringe as you heard your mother's voice call.

 You didn't even realize that you were still holding your book as you stood up. You went down the stairs, soon seeing your parents in the living room with their arms crossed. You paused in the middle of the staircase, fear crawling up your back.

''Jasmine. Cade. Get your ass over here, right now!!'' your father screams, stomping his foot and pointing at the ground.

 You squeaked and ran down the stairs, running up to where your father pointed. Tears were already forming in your eyes, you knew what was coming, and you didn't want it to happen. Your parents exchanged glances and than their eyes fell upon you. Your mother's eyes swung down to the book that you were holding, she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

''I can't believe that you're still reading that damn book,'' she says, swiping the book out of your hands. ''You need to stop reading, it's bad for you.'' she says, opening the book.

''M-Ma! I ain't done with that b-book!'' you say nervously.

 Her eyes looked up at you, she started to rip the pages out of the book making your heart sink. She laughs and throws the ripped pages at you.

''Give me that book.'' the father says, snapping his fingers for the book.

 She hands it to your father and you just wanted to hide but you knew that you couldn't. An evil smirk appeared on your father's face, he looks at you and raises the book up. He soon throws the book with all of his might right at your face. The book hits you right in face, making you scream in pain. You fall to the ground, covering your face, the pain throbbing throughout your face.

 You could hear your parents laughing their heads off, heehawing and cheering.

''Get the belt honey. Johnny ain't here to save her now.'' your mother smiles, clapping her hands together.

''J-Johnny ain't h-here?'' you sob, tears and blood dripping onto the floor.

''He's out with the gang. So you're useless just like you always were.'' she snorts.

 The father appears with the belt and hands it to the mother, she lashes out at you with the belt, making you scream in pain. The more you screamed, the more she and the father laughed. They enjoyed your pain, they enjoyed torturing you. You knew you were weak, but you needed to escape, and that's what you did. You stood up, your knees wobbling and your throat dry from all the screaming.

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