Cade Sister Imagine

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Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Can u write an imagine when Johnny little sister asks Johnny for advice because she has a huge crush on dally

''I can't stop thinking about you...'' You say.

''Sis! That's not h-how you impress D-Dally first off!'' Johnny shouts.

''But Johnnycakes! It's the only thing I could think of at the moment'' You say.

''I-I don't care... S-Say something more s-sexy... More d-dangerous. Dally l-loves dangerous g-girls'' Johnny says.

''Fine, like what? Give me an idea!'' You say.

The doorbell rings, you answer it, it was Dallas. You quickly slam the door, you grab Johnny's arm and you run upstairs as fast as you could.

''Hey Y/N... Are you in there?'' Dallas says through the door.

''Quick! Tell me what to say to him!'' You shout.

''I-I don't k-know! Just b-be yourself'' Johnny says.

''But myself isn't enough. I need somet-''

The door suddenly opens, it was Dallas.

''Good thing I always bring my blade, I picked my self in. Now, Y/N, I need to talk to you about something'' Dallas says while putting his blade back in his pocket.

Johnny looks at you, then leaves. You sit on the bed with Dallas. As he starts to talk to you, you get lost in his eyes. You started to think about stuff. 'Should I tell him that I like him?' 'What if he takes it weirdly?' 'He's too tuff for me though' Dallas then ended with the conversation.

''Okay Y/N? You got all of that right?'' Dallas asks.

You nod, even though you heard nothing of what he just said. As he starts to leave, you look at him.

''Dally wait!''

''What is it Y/N?'' Dallas says while turning around.

''I-I... I really like you'' You blurt out.

Dallas smirks at you, then tells you he feels the same. You start getting tingles in your body, as he leaves, you start to freak out. 'He likes me back!' You keep repeating. You couldn't believe a tuff guy like him, likes a shy, weird girl like you. 

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