Curtis Sister Imagine

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Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Can you do a imagine where the Curtis sister is cutting herself and Darry finds out and tells her she doesn't need to and she's perfect the way she is please

You run upstairs to the bathroom and you grab out a blade. You start to cry and sob, as you bring the blade towards your skin, you start to cut your arm. As much as it hurt, you kept letting out cries of pain. All of your brothers were gone at work. Someone at school kept making fun of you, because you didn't have parents. They said that you can't three hot brothers, your too ugly. You keep crying. Blood drops from your skin into the sink. You hear the door open, it was Darry.

''Y/N?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!'' Darry screams while running towards you.

Darry grabs the blade from your hand, you cry for it back. As you try to reach for it, you accidentally cut Darry. He lets out a big yelp of pain. You gasp and back away. You sit on the bath tub. You start sobbing hard.

''I-I'm sorry Darry... I didn't m-mean to c-cut you...'' You sob.

Darry comes and sits next to you.

''It's okay, it's just a simple cut. About you now, why are you cutting yourself? Your body is just fine the way it is, please don't hurt it'' Darry says while hugging you.

''M-My life is m-miserable... I have n-no parents... N-no friends...'' You sigh.

''You have us, isn't that all you need?'' Darry says.

You look up at him.

''Yeah, that's all I-I need'' You slowly start to smile.

Darry wipes the tears from your eyes.

''Your perfect the way you are... Now please, look me in the eyes, and tell me you will never cut yourself again'' Darry says while holding your hand.

You look up at him into his eyes.

''I promise I will never cut myself again''

You stand up and flush the blades away. Darry hugs you and kisses you on top of the head telling you how much he loves you.

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