Steve Randle Imagine

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Steve Randle. Your boyfriend ever since, well, since you've met. You met him at school, and you remember that one day, you saw him. He had chocolate cake all over his mouth, and you just stared at him. You smiled as he started licking his lips, and he suddenly caught you staring at him. But you weren't a shy girl, you just flashed him a smile. And he smiled back, so that day, when you left, he asked you out. And you two became official just like that. So now, you are just sitting at home, waiting for him. You look over at the clock, and it was 12:42 at night.

''Steve's usually home by 11:30...'' You think to yourself.

You look down at your thumbs and start to play with them, you start to worry by each moment. You suddenly hear a squeeek. You look behind, smiling at the result that came with it. It was Steve, but your smile quickly fades away when you see him more clearly.

''Steve, what the hell happened? You look horrible!'' You shout while walking up to him.

''Allison, calm down,'' Steve smiles.

''Just got jumped by some Socs on the way back from work,'' Steve says while walking to the couch.

''Here, sit down, I'll go get you some ice,'' You say while sitting Steve down.

As Steve sits down, you walk into the kitchen and you get a bag of ice, and you bring it back to him.

''So, tell me what happened,'' You say while laying it on his knee.

''Well, I was coming back from the DX with Soda, like I always do. Than I dropped Soda off at his house, and when I started walking back, the socs jumped outta the bushes and got me,'' Steve looks down at his leg which was bruised and hurt.

''And dammit, they got me good,'' Steve says while putting the ice on his leg.

''Well, why didn't you scream for Soda?'' You ask.

''I did, but he couldn't hear me no more, he was already inside his house, probably kissing Ponyboy to death,'' Steve chuckles.

You smile and just sit there, you put your hand on his leg, he flinches and pulls away.

''Sorry babe, I didn't mean too,'' You apologize.

''Alli, it's fine, but I can do this on my own,'' Steve says while standing up.

You seat Steve back down.

''No, Steve, you stay here, I'll take care of everything, just say what you want, and I will get it,'' You smile.

Steve lays back on the couch.

''Alli, I already told you, I'm fine, now I'ma rest my eyes, and go to sleep, okay?'' Steve smiles.

You smile and sit next to him. You put your head against his shoulder, he kind of pulls away, but he suddenly relaxes. You suddenly fall asleep on him, and before you knew it, the lights were out, and so were you two. In the morning, you see that you were the only one on the couch. You look around for Steve, and you see him making eggs in the kitchen. You yawn and walk up to him.

''Steve, remember? You rest, I do,'' You say.

''Alli! I told you! I am fine!'' Steve shouts.

He suddenly holds his back with a big groan, you roll your eyes and help him sit down.

''Steve, no you aren't, you just probably threw out your back,'' You say.

''Fine, you can take care of me, but don't you dare say,''

''Babying you?'' You smile.

''Dammit Alli, you're lucky I love you,'' Steve smiles.

You continue to cook the eggs and you serve it to him, with some orange juice. You sit down next to him, and talk to him. He tells you about his dream, and how you were in it. When Steve finishes, you wash the dishes and everything.

''Babe, I don't want you to do every single thing,'' Steve says.

You walk up to him, and run your fingers through his hair.

''Steve, don't worry about a thing, I can do this. I do this because I love you,'' You smile.

''I love you too Alli,'' Steve smiles.

Steve leans in, and lays a nice, long kiss on your lips. After a while, Steve gets healed and he did all sorts of stuff with you, and you two were an amazing couple. Everyday, you told each other that you loved each other, and it never really got old.

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