Ponyboy Curtis Imagine

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You sit there at your TV, just watching your favorite show. When suddenly, Sodapop barges in and jumps on the couch with you.

''Hey there Ponygirl,'' Sodapop teased.

You rolled your eyes as Sodapop rubbed his hand on top of your head, as for, messing up your hair.

''Soda, I know I'm 2 minutes apart from Pony, but that don't mean you have to put girl at the end. You know my name,'' You sigh.

''You're right sis, sorry bout that,'' Sodapop stands up and heads to the kitchen.

You look around, noticing that the remote is gone, you don't know where it went. You look in between the couch cushions. Sodapop leaves the kitchen and comes back to the TV room with some popcorn.

''Hey Soda, do you know where the remote is?'' You ask while still searching.

''Nope,'' Sodapop sits down on the couch.

The TV channel all of a sudden changes. It changed to the news, it turned out Sodapop sat on the remote. You tried to stand Sodapop back up, but he was playing with you. You suddenly stick your hand underneath his butt, and he jumps up. You grab the remote and point it towards the TV, changing the channel quickly. You sit down next to Sodapop and someone enters. You turn around, it was Dallas, Johnny & Ponyboy.

''Hey Ponygirl, wanna come get some food with me and the boys?'' Dallas asks while stealing some popcorn from Sodapop.

''Dally, I already told you, don't call me Ponygirl,'' You sigh.

''Sorry bout that doll, now, would you like to come with us to Dairy Queen?''

''Sure Dal,'' You smile and leave with them.

As you drive to Dairy Queen, you start eating and talking. You and Dallas were close, but not as close as you and Ponyboy. You were the first one to get full, you stare at the boys as they gobble down there food. You roll your eyes and smile. When they all finished, you guys were off. You sat in the back just looking out with your hair flowing. You can hear Dallas lecturing Johnny about jail. But you didn't really care at the time, you suddenly see something... Something horrifying...

''Dally! Look!'' You shout while pointing.

Dallas looks over with the rest of the guys.

''What the hell? Let's go over and check what's goin on..'' Dallas drives over there.

When he pulls up, you see children crying for there mothers. You see two adults there, with terrified looks on there faces. You look to the side, and you see Ponyboy and Johnny hopping out. You look at Dallas, you can see that he was trying to hold them back, but they didn't listen. You suddenly make eye contact with him.

''Ponygirl, don't be stupid like your twin and run in there okay?'' Dallas asks.

''Dally, twins got to stick together... Plus, if Ponyboy goes down, I'm going down with him,'' You smirk at Dallas.

You hop out, but Dallas catches your arm. You start to budge out of his grip. When you got freed, you can hear him screaming your actual name. You see that the church already had a hole in it, so you climbed into it. There was so much smoke inside the church, it felt like you were gonna die before reaching Ponyboy. You were practically coughing your lungs out. When you suddenly see Johnny, you smile and walk over to him.

''Here! Take these children!'' Johnny shouts while handing you children.

You look to the side, and you see Dallas at the window. You quickly hand him the children. Ponyboy's jacket suddenly catches on fire, and Dallas pulls him out. All of the children were out, it was you and Johnny.

''Come on Johnnycake! Hurry on out!'' Dallas screams.

You look towards Johnny, his face, it was a smile. But how? It was a terrifying moment. You see a piece of wood flying towards Johnny, you quickly grab his arm and push him out. Johnny hit the ground with a big scar on his arm.

''Johnny! Are you alright man?! Dammit Johnny, you scared the hell outta,''

''WHERE'S MY TWIN?!'' Ponyboy screams.

Ponyboy turns around, but it was too late... The church already collapsed. You were out, out cold. When you woke up, you were awake in a hospital room, you look at your legs. You scanned one leg, which was all bruised and cut. You look at the other, and your jaw drops. It was replaced, your left leg was replaced... With a robotic leg. You look up, and you see your brothers and friends walking in. Ponyboy rushes up to you and holds you hand.

''Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for you to get hurt!'' Ponyboy starts to cry.

You start to cry with Ponyboy. You lay your head against his shoulder and just sob. Sodapop and Darry soon join in. All of the greaser boys just hugged you. Dallas started rambling about how stupid you were about going into the church with them. When they all let go, you stopped crying.

''If mom and dad were still alive... They'd probably see how brave of a soul you are Y/N,'' Darry smiles.

After a while, you got used to your leg. And everything was okay, your life went perfect. Even though your leg never got back to normal, you know that you saved a lot of children, and that's all you wanted to really feel. Pride, and joy.

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