Dallas Winston Imagine

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It was a windy night in Tulsa, you just got back from a brawl with the socs, you fought with the greasers. You had some cuts and bruises, but you've fought harder before, so nothing to bad. You were going back to the Curtis's household for some chocolate cake, you were riding on the back of Sodapop's back. You and Sodapop were best friends and he loved you with all his heart, but your heart belonged to Dally. Although Sodapop knew that, he still really liked you.

As you arrived at their household you hop off of Sodapop's back and rush inside. You were the first one in and you could already smell the chocolate cake.

''Mm! I can't wait! Let's get right to it!'' you shout, running towards the kitchen.

''Ellie.. Ellie wait!'' ponyboy shouts.

Ponyboy chases after you and tackles you to the ground, you yelp in pain, making ponyboy gasp and climb off of you.

''Ow Pony.. We just barely got done with a brawl, why'd you tackle me?'' you ask, rubbing your elbow where it hurt.

''Sorry, just last time you literally ate the cake before we all got some and-''

The sound of somebody gobbling down food came ringing into your ears, you and Ponyboy turn your head towards the kitchen. You both climb to your feet and shuffle your way into the kitchen, when you arrive you saw that Two-Bit's face was already smushed in the chocolate cake.

''Keith! Are you serious?!'' you exclaim, shaking your head.

''Sorry, I couldn't help myself.'' two-bit says with a full mouth.

''Does anybody know where Dally is?'' you hear sodapop ask from the livingroom.

''No, didn't he come back from the brawl?'' you ask, walking to the livingroom.

''Dally told me he was going to the bar after the brawl.'' ponyboy says, adding himself to the conversation.

''Oh um.. I need to go.'' you say going back to the door.

''It's almost midnight Ellie, be back soon.'' darry says.

''I will, don't worry.'' you say before leaving.

The wind was getting worse as you made your way towards the bar, the lights were still on which meant they were still open. But when have they ever been closed? Pretty much never. You open the door to the bar and saw that there was a bunch of people in there drinking and smoking. Smoke was everywhere, you made yourself in, coughing your lungs out. You went up to the bar tender and greeted him.

''Hey Jackie, you know where Dally might be?'' you ask.

You knew his name because Dally always takes you to this bar.

''Dally.. Oh! He went to the back of the bar last time I saw him.'' jackie replies.

''You wanna drink hon?'' he asks.

''I'm good, thanks.'' you smile.

You push yourself through everyone and went to the back of bar, as you made it out you look around. You suddenly hear sniffling and crying, you lift an eyebrow and turn your head. You turn your head but you couldn't see anybody, but there was still sounds of crying. Your eyes shift up and you gasp as you saw Dally on the edge of the rooftop.

''DALLY!'' you screech.

Dally looks down and saw you, it looked like he was about to jump and end his life. You sprint your way back into the bar and up to the rooftop, hoping that he wouldn't jump yet. When you arrive at the top you see that he was just staring down, it was a long way down. You race after him yelling his name and screaming not to do it, he just pauses and turns around.

"Please... just leave me alone" dally sniffles.

You saw the pain in his eyes, his eyes were red and soaked with tears. You couldn't bare to see him like this, the closer you got to him, the slower you were walking. You didn't want to seem to forceful.

''Dally, please, don't do this..'' you say quietly.

''Tell me why I shouldn't do this! Everybody hates me!'' dally screams.

''You want to know why you shouldn't do it? It's because The gang needs you. I need you.'' you say, getting tearful as well.

The wind was still blowing and Dally was standing there staring at you, he finally just broke down onto the roof. You rush towards him and kneel down next to him, Dally grabs your hand and squeezes it. You jump a little bit but just hug him, he starts to cry into your shirt. You start to rub his back and kissing him on the head, some tears were falling from your eyes as well.

"I'm with you okay? Always.'' you whisper.

Dally nods his head, you sat on the rooftop for about ten minutes. After a those ten minutes you helped Dally up and you walked back to the Curtis's household. When you arrived, Sodapop was still up, Ponyboy and Darry were sleeping on the couch. They didn't even notice that you came back, but Sodapop did.

''Dally! What's wrong man? You alright?'' sodapop shouts running towards him.

''I think he just needs a shower, he needs to clear his head.'' you whisper to sodapop.

Sodapop helps him upstairs and you look at Ponyboy and Darry who looked all to peaceful on the couch. A few weeks passed by and Dally has grown really attached to you, he feels like he owed you a bunch of solids. He grew so attached that one night he told you he loved you, and you felt the exact same about him.

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