Darry & Dallas Imagine

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Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Can you do an imagine where Darry and Dallas both like you and they start arguing over you and you overhear them. Thanks bro <3

''Back off'' Dallas says while walking up to Darry.

''Why should I back off? I'm the one who deserves her!'' Darry shoots right back at him.

''Well, she's my age. Beat that'' Dallas says while folding his arms.

''She looks like my age, and she acts my age too! So if I took her out, they wouldn't even notice her being younger'' Darry says with a smile.

Dallas unfolds his arms and gives him a dirty look. They start to fight over you, as you start to hear them arguging, you walk over towards where they were, you saw them talking and arguging. They started screaming at each other, then Dallas shouted 'First one to take her on a date officially gets her' You smile and walk in. They both stare at you.

''Go out with me Y/N!'' They both shout at the same time.

You smile and put one hand on your hip.

''I heard you two arguing about who takes me out first'' You smile.

''Well-I-He- Okay, we both like you'' Darry looks down.

''It's fine, I like you both too'' You smile.

''Really?'' They both say.

They both rush up to you and give you a big tight hug. You smile as they hug you, you felt like the most important girl in the world.

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