Curtis Sister Imagine

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Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Can you write a dally imagine where someone lies about there age to dally and then tells them the truth they're 14

As Dallas holds your hand and takes you out to the street light. You start feeling really guilty. You told Dallas that you were 17, even though you were really 14. You sigh as you walk with him. It started getting colder and colder by the moment, you start to shiver. Dallas looks over at you. You look at him. He holds you even closer.

''Are you cold doll?'' Dallas asks while smiling.

''Just a tad bit'' You say while cupping your hands and blowing into them.

Dallas takes his jacket off, but then puts it back on.

''Sorry, it's really cold out here, I'm just going to stick with wearing my jacket'' Dallas says while moving on.

You smile and roll your eyes.

''That's my Dally'' You smile.

When you arrive at the bus stop, you start waiting for the bus on a bench. Dallas looks over at you and starts kissing you passionately. You start to kiss him back, but you suddenly stop. You push him off.

''What's wrong Y/N?'' Dallas asks.

''Dally... I need to tell you something...'' You say while looking down.

''You can tell me anything... I mean, we do love each other'' Dallas smiles.

''I'm not 17...'' You sigh.

Dallas stands up.

''H-How old are you?'' Dallas asks.

''I'm 14′'

Dallas starts pacing around with his hands in his pockets. He looks over at you.

''Why the hell didn't you tell me your real age at first?!'' Dallas shouts.

''I'm sorry... It was just that I really loved you, but I was 3 years younger, so I lied to you and said I was 17′' You explain.

Dallas sits on the bench and puts his arm around you.

''Look, I really like you, but if your not my age, it's just awkward... We can still be friends though'' Dallas says.

You nod and then hug him. You kept that pose for a while since it was freezing outside.

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