Sodapop Curtis Imagine

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It's been a long time ever since you've ever went over to the curtis's household. You and Ponyboy have been good friends ever since you've met each other in school. He actually had a crush on you for a while, but that slowly faded as you stopped hanging out with him. But the thing was, you really liked Sodapop, which was his brother. You didn't really use Ponyboy for him, but you used him for the excuse to come over to his house to see Sodapop.

When you arrive at their house, you knock on their door and stand there for a while. The door opens and it reveals Ponyboy.

''Emily! What are you doing here?'' Ponyboy asks, pulling you into a hug.

''I don't know, I just thought I'd visit you guys, it's been a while.'' You smile.

''It's been to long.'' Ponyboy blushes.

You chuckle and he invites you inside. When you enter, you see Darry seated on the couch with Sodapop placed next to him. Sodapop turns around and sees you, his face turns bright red when he made eye contact with you. He stands up and walks over to you.

''Nice to see you back here again Emily.'' Sodapop smirks.

''It's always a pleasure to see you Soda.'' You smile.

''Emily! Just in time, we just invited the whole gang over to watch a movie.'' Darry says, standing up as well.

The door bursts open and the gang arrives, no knocking, nothing. They all greet you as they enter, you chuckle and greet them back. You go over and sit on the couch in between Sodapop and Ponyboy. Darry puts the movie in and starts the movie. In the middle of the movie, Sodapop puts his arm around you and you start to blush like crazy. The movie ended and about everyone was asleep, you were still awake and you thought you stunk. You decided to go get some of Ponyboy's clothes and take a shower. Ponyboy was just your size, so it was all good, plus, you've done it before.

You sneak upstairs, hoping nobody would wake up. You creep upstairs and go into Ponyboy's room and gets some of his clothes. You than sneak into the bathroom and strip naked. You get the towel and hang it on the rack next to you, you turn the shower on and climb in. You wash your hair and your body, the water felt nice hitting against your skin. You than finished your shower and grabbed your towel, you step out of the shower, suddenly hearing footsteps coming your way. The door opens and you let out a big shriek of fear, you thought you locked the door, but apparently, you didn't. It was the gang who was entering with a bucket of ice.

''Oh! She's out of the shower!'' Ponyboy exclaims.

''What are you guys doing?!'' You screech.

''We were going to pour this bucket of ice while you were in the shower.'' Dally smiles.

You roll your eyes and push them out, as you pushed them, one of the gang members steps on your towel and rips it right off your body. You gasp and all the guys turn around, Sodapop's eyes went wide and the rest of the guys were doing the exact same.

''My towel!'' You shouted, looking for it.

You finally spot it, picking it up and holding it in front of you, blushing like crazy. 

''Get out!'' You screeched.

They all started to laugh and they left, you slammed the door shut and your face was heated from all the blushing. You couldn't believe it, they saw you naked. They actually saw you naked. And you didn't like it.

''You've got a pretty hot bod Emily.'' Sodapop comments through the door.

''Go away Soda!'' You shout through the door.

You hear the boys snicker once again before they all went downstairs and continued to do things. You sighed and shook your head, you were never going to forget about this ever again.

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