Ponyboy Curtis Imagine

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Holy crap guys! I haven't updated in so freaking long! I feel so bad! But you guys got me to 21.9K Reads?! That's unbelievable! It's close to 22K! But thank you guys so much for requesting! And I deeply deeply aplogize for not updating. It was stupid of me not to. Anyways, I will update on all of the requests I have gotten, I promise. Thanks for all the love and support. Love you all, Stay Gold ♥


You go outside with a football in your hands. You loved to play football mostly with your friends. The thing was, your friends had a brother you really liked. His name was Ponyboy Curtis. You and Sodapop were friends ever since childhood. And ever since childhood, you fell for Ponyboy. 

You head out to the field waiting for your friends. You lived next to the field so it was fine to just play there. As you sit there, you see the boys running up to the field. 

Of course Darry was the fastest. He was super buff, and good looking. Sodapop was second, he ran like a super model, it was cute. And lastly, your crush Ponyboy. As he runs with the boys he looks at you and you start to blush like crazy.

''Hey Elsa!'' Sodapop shouts up at you.

You wave at Sodapop, but still looking at Ponyboy.

''Pass me the ball!'' Sodapop cries out while running a direction.

''Go long!'' You shout at him.

As Sodapop starts to run, you throw him the ball and he catches it and throws it on the ground. After that, he started yelling like he just won the championship. You giggle and roll your eyes. After a while you all got together and picked teams.

''I call Elsa!'' Sodapop shouts while taking your arm.

''How about this, all you guys, against me.'' Ponyboy smiles while trying to look tough.

''Pony, we're going to crush you if that happens.'' Darry states.

''Bring it.'' Ponyboy smiles.

Darry shrugs and starts to get into position. As you start to play, you start running towards the goal. Sodapop had the ball and he was looking at you.

''Elsa! The ball's coming your way!'' Sodapop shouts at you.

You turn around ready to catch the ball. Sodapop throws it and you catch it. You see the goal, so you start to run towards it. As you get closer, you feel someone tackle you to the ground. You fall with a cry of pain. You hit the ground and look up, it was Ponyboy who tackled you. You twisted your ankle, and it hurt badly.

''Oh my gosh! Elsa! Did I hurt you?!'' Ponyboy shouts while climbing off of you.

''P-Pony.. I-It's o-okay..'' You sob trying to keep it in.

Ponyboy looked down at you, his eyes started to fill with tears. Sodapop suddenly shoves Ponyboy out of the way and looks down at you.

''Elsa! We have to get you some ice! We have some back at our place!'' Sodapop says while picking you up.

You couldn't stand up, it just hurt way to much. You go in between Sodapop and Ponyboy and put your arms around them. They walked you all the way to their house. Your ankle was healing a little bit, but not to much. When you reach their house, you enter and they put you on the couch.

''I'll get some ice, Ponyboy, stay with her and keep her company.'' Sodapop says while rushing off.

Sodapop left the room and you looked at Ponyboy. His eyes started to tear up again, a tear fell down. But you wiped it away.

''I'm so sorry Elsa.. I didn't mean any of this.. I really didn't..'' Ponyboy started to quietly sob.

''Ponyboy, it's okay. I don't care, it's just a twisted ankle. I get them all the stinkin time.'' You smile at him.

Ponyboy cracks a smile at you as well. Sodapop rushes back into the room with an icepack. He lays it on your ankle, you wince at the pain but you soon relax. Sodapop sits on the other side of you, holding the ice pack. Ponyboy reaches over and takes the ice pack, holding it instead of Sodapop.

''Soda, I got this. You can leave.'' Ponyboy says while scooting closer to you.

Sodapop shrugs and leaves. You smile at Ponyboy, he was holding the icepack on your ankle. You watch as Ponyboy's eyes look at your lips. He starts to slowly lean in, your mind starts to go crazy. 

''What is he doing?! Is he going to kiss me?! I don't know how to kiss!'' You shout in your head.

But before you finished your thought, Ponyboy kissed you on the lips. He dropped the icepack and climbed on you. He started to kiss you pationaly. And you liked it. After a while, he stopped and smiled at you. Sodapop walked in and saw you two in the hugging position. He started chuckling.

''About time Pony.'' Sodapop smiles.

''I love you Elsa.'' Ponyboy says ignoring Sodapop's comment.

''I love you too Pony.'' You smile.

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