Dallas Winston Imagine

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 You were walking down the street with Bob next to you. He was talking to about how in love he was with Sherri. You never called Sherri 'Cherry' Because you found it rather weird that people called her that, but she didn't care because she never speaks to you in the first place. You sometimes hated walking home with Bob because all he did was talk and talk. It seemed never ending in your case.

 When you were halfway home, you zoned out and looked away from Bob, his voice fading away as you looked around. Your eyes soon fell upon three guys, the middle guy was the guy you've currently been seing. Dallas Winston.

''Samantha! Are you even paying attention!'' bob shouts, snapping his fingers in front of your face.

''Mhmm. Totally.'' you nod.

''Ugh, don't tell me you were staring at those psycho greasers over there were you?'' bob asks, scoffing and rolling his eyes.

 You glanced one last time, suddenly seeing that Dallas was already staring over at you. You blushed immediately and looked down, making Bob even more suspicious.

''Samantha..'' he says, suspiciously raising an eyebrow.

''I was staring at them okay? No need to make a huge deal out of it.'' you admit, throwing your hands up in the air like you were getting arrested.

''Okay. I won't. But the real question is.. Why?'' bob asks, cocking an eyebrow.

''I was staring at Dallas Winston.'' you mumble to yourself, trying not to make your comment to loud.

''You were staring at who?'' bob asks, waiting for you to repeat your comment.

''Oh look! We're home!!'' you exclaim, looking up and pointing at your house.

 Bob reached out for your hand but you were to fast for him. You sprinted away from him into your house where you could escape that subject. But unfortunately, Bob didn't let it drop. When you got inside, he sat you down and you two had a long, serious talk about how greasers are the bad guys.

''But Bob.. I.. I.. My crush is a greaser.'' you blush, looking down.

 You could already predict his face and how he was going to react. There was silence, and it was lasting a bit to long. You looked up at him, his eyes spoke for him. You could tell that he was extremely disappointed in you.

''Who is it.'' he sighs, shaking his head.

''D-Dallas W-Winston.'' you stutter, hoping he wouldn't freak out.

''DALLAS WINST— no.  Samantha. No. You can't. You can't have a crush on him. First off, he's a damn greaser!! And us soc's don't like those greasers!! I forbid you from seeing that.. Disgusting no good greaser! Wipe Dallen William from your brain because you aren't seeing him ever again.'' bob states, his hands clenched and his teeth grinding.

''It's Dallas Winston.'' you correct, furrowing your eyebrows.

''DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?!?!'' bob screamed, blowing up completely.

 You couldn't take it any longer, you bolted up the stairs, running into your bedroom and slamming the door. Although you had everything, without Dallas, you felt like you had nothing.


''Samantha Sheldon?! Are you out of your damn mind?! She's a soc, Dally!'' darry screams, his veins popping out from the side of his neck.

''Samantha's no good Dal. Have you seen her? And second off, she's Bob's lil sis. Us greasers don't want no trouble with those stuck up soc's. No way.'' ponyboy says, shaking his head.

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